MUTATIS – Challenge No. 5


Note: You may skip this introduction if you are already familiar with the rules.

Mutatis is a word-chain exercise game. Given the first and last word in the chain, you are
challenged to fill in "mutant" words according to the following rules:

From the second word on, each word comprises the letters of the word that precedes it
except for one letter that is changed. The order of the letters may also be changed.

You may fill in only standard English words and loanwords (words "borrowed" from
other languages that have become standard usage). Slang or colloquial words as well
as proper nouns (that require capitalization, such as names of people, places, nations,
languages etc.) are not allowed.


Given the words start and begin, the following chain demonstrates a possible solution to the



Given the following head and tail word couples, fill in the missing words to obtain appropriate Mutatis word-chains according to the rules described above.

  1. void >…> null.

  2. null >…> void.  Don't use any of the words that you used in ex. 1!

  3. fetid >…> skunk.

  4. skunk >…> fetid.  Don't use any of the words that you used in ex. 3!

  5. clever >…> stupid.

  6. stupid >…> clever.  Don't use any of the words that you used in ex. 5!

Printable Mutatis ex. 1-2

Printable Mutatis ex. 3-4

Printable Mutatis ex. 5-6

  1. Answer to ex. 1:  left>belt>beat>beak>bank.

  2. Answer to ex. 2:  bank>bake>leak>leaf>left.

  3. Answer to ex. 2:  dwarf>wards>darts >roast>short>sloth.

  4. Answer to ex. 4:  sloth>halts>thaws>straw>draws>dwarf.

  5. Answer to ex. 5: brooch>bronco>corona>cornea>cranes>cleans>clause>squeal>plaque

  6. Answer to ex.6:  plaque>equals>salute>luster>routes>courts>chorus>chores>search>
    breach> broach>brooch.

If you wonder why I chose the name Mutatis for this game, it is short for the Latin

expression Mutatis Mutandis which approximately means "changed as was

necessary". It also appears to hint that the game entails the evolution of one given

word into another through "mutant" words.

MUTATIS – Challenge No. 4


Note: You may skip this introduction if you are already familiar with the rules.

Mutatis is a word-chain exercise game. Given the first and last word in the chain, you are
challenged to fill in "mutant" words according to the following rules:

From the second word on, each word comprises the letters of the word that precedes it
except for one letter that is changed. The order of the letters may also be changed.

You may fill in only standard English words and loanwords (words "borrowed" from
other languages that have become standard usage). Slang or colloquial words as well
as proper nouns (that require capitalization, such as names of people, places, nations,
languages etc.) are not allowed.


Given the words start and begin, the following chain demonstrates a possible solution to the



Given the following head and tail word couples, fill in the missing words to obtain appropriate Mutatis word-chains according to the rules described above.

1. left >…> bank.

2. bank > … > left. Don't use any of the words that you used in ex. 1!

3. dwarf >…> sloth.

4. sloth >…> dwarf. Don't use any of the words that you used in ex. 3!

5. brooch >…> plaque.

6. plaque >…> brooch. Don't use any of the words that you used in ex. 5!

Printable Mutatis ex. 1-2

Printable Mutatis ex. 3-4

Printable Mutatis ex. 5-6

Answer to ex. 1: book>rook>rock>core>pore>pear>page
Answer to ex. 2: page>cape>cope>pole>pool>look>book
Answer to ex. 3: blunt>until>units>shunt>hurts>trash>sharp
Answer to ex. 4: sharp>brash>brush>burst>brunt>blunt
Answer to ex. 5: affirm>tariff>adrift>rifted>lifted>defile>fledge>pledge
Answer to ex. 6:

If you wonder why I chose the name Mutatis for this game, it is short for the Latin

expression Mutatis Mutandis which approximately means "changed as was

necessary". It also appears to hint that the game entails the evolution of one given

word into another through "mutant" words.

MUTATIS – Challenge No. 3


Note: You may skip this introduction if you are already familiar with the rules.

Mutatis is a word-chain exercise game. Given the first and last word in the chain, you are challenged to fill in "mutant" words according to the following rules:

From the second word, each word comprises the letters of the word that precedes it except for one letter that is changed. The order of the letters may also be changed.

You may fill in only standard English words and loanwords (words "borrowed" from other languages that have become standard usage). Slang or colloquial words as well as proper nouns (that require capitalization, such as names of people, places, nations, languages etc.) are not allowed.


Given the words start and begin, the following chain demonstrates a possible solution to the exercise:



Given the following head and tail word couples, fill in the missing words to obtain appropriate Mutatis word-chains according to the rules described above.

1. book>page.

2. page>book. Don't use any of the words that you used in exercise 1!

3. blunt > … > sharp.

4. sharp > … > blunt. Don't use any of the words that you used in exercise 3!

5. affirm> … > pledge.

6. pledge > … > affirm. Don't use any of the words that you used in exercise 5!

Printable Mutatis ex. 3-4

Printable Mutatis ex. 1-2

Printable Mutatis ex. 5-6

Answer to exercise 1


Answer to exercise 2

Answer to exercise 3

Answer to exercise 4:

Answer to exercise 5:

Answer to exercise 6:


If you wonder why I chose the name Mutatis for this game, it is short for the Latin expression Mutatis Mutandis which approximately means "changed as was necessary". It also appears to hint that the game entails the evolution of one given word into another through "mutant" words.

MUTATIS - Challenge No. 2


Note: You may skip this introduction if you are already familiar with the rules.

Mutatis is a word-chain exercise game. Given the first and last word in the chain, you are challenged to fill in "mutant" words according to the following rules:

  1. From the second word, each word comprises the letters of the word that
    precedes it except for one letter that is changed. The order of the letters
    may also be changed.

  2. You may fill in only standard English words and loanwords (words "borrowed"
    from other languages that have become standard usage). Slang or colloquial
    words as well as proper nouns (that require capitalization, such as names of people,
    places, nations, languages etc.) are not allowed.


Given the words start and begin, the following chain demonstrates a possible solution to the exercise:



Given the following head and tail word couples, fill in the missing words to obtain appropriate Mutatis word-chains according to the rules described above.

  1. noon > … > dusk.  

  2. dusk > … > noon.  Don't use any of the words that you used in exercise 1!

  3. black > … > white.  

  4. white > … > black.  Don't use any of the words that you used in exercise 3!

  5. atomic > … > energy.  

  6. energy> … > atomic.  Don't use any of the words that you used in exercise 5!

    Printable Mutatis- ex. 1-2
    Printable Mutatis- ex. 3-4
    Printable Mutatis- ex. 5-6


Answer to exercise 1:


Answer to exercise 2:




Answer to exercise 3:



If you wonder why I chose the name Mutatis for this game, it is short for the Latin expression  Mutatis Mutandis which approximately means "changed as was necessary". It also appears to hint that the game entails the evolution of one given word into another through "mutant" words.

MUTATIS - word game

Mutatis is a word game, based on the Ladder Game, said to be invented by
Lewis Carrol who was the author of Alice in Wonderland and other amusing creations.

How is it played?

Look closely at the following chain of words:


Obviously, the words in the chain abide by the following rules: 
  • They are all of the same length (five letters in this example).
  • They are all standard English words (none are slang or colloquial and none are proper nouns).
  • Each word contains all but one of the letters that constitute its neighbor on either side.
  • Common letters in neighboring words may be of different order.
Given the head and tail words in the chain, that sums up the rules.
However, as to the second rule, if in doubt about a word, don't use it.
Reference to a reliable dictionary is recommended.
By the way, the following example displays a solution that produces a chain that is two words longer than the chain above:

That is for two reasons, each adding one word to the chain's length:
The s in the second word was replace by an l, which is not in the tail word begin.
The letter e, which is shared by anger and begin, was replaced by i
 There are cases in which such practice is inevitable and it's OK. 
Now for your first challenge that comprises three exercises.
Fill in a chain of five-letter beginning with begin and ending with start
NO! Don't copy the string in any example above backwards. Use words that are completely different (Except of course for the first and last word in the chain 😊).
Fill in a chain of six-letter words beginning with photos and ending with camera.  

Repeat exercise 2 in the opposite direction. Needless to say, don't use words that you used in exercise 2!
Printable Mutatis


I intend to publish my results of the exercises in this site one week after they initially appear.
If you wonder why I chose the name Mutatis for this game, it is short for the Latin expression  Mutatis Mutandis which approximately means "changed as was necessary".
It also appears to hint that the game entails the evolution of one word into another through a chain of mutations.

Cute dinosaurs coloring pages

The dinosaurs did become extinct hundreds of millions of years ago, but you can still enjoy their presence in our coloring pages. Let's imagine how they looked in the coloring pages here. You can paint in whatever colors you want, use your creative talent. Some of the coloring pages are a bit funny, such as a coloring page of a dinosaur eating ice cream or pasta, or sailing on an inflatable sea wheel. It's imaginary and didn't really happen, but we hope you enjoy coloring it.So print out a cute dinosaur coloring page and enjoy! Hope to see you again!
PS- To save paper and help our planet, you can print on used pages, on the blank side ♥

Cute dinosaur coloring page in a boat
two cute dinosaurs coloring book
two dinosaurs having conversation coloring book
cute lovely dinosaur coloring page
very cute dinosaur in the desert sun
big dinosaur trees background  coloring page
smiling dinosaur coloring page
cute dinosaur eating ice cream
Funny dinosaur eating ice cream
Dinosaur with balloons coloring page
Dinosaur with balloons coloring page
dinosaur coloring page
tall dinosaurs coloring book page
two cute small dinosaurs
cute Ankylosaurus , coloring book page
big t-rex coloring page
cutie dinosaur
smiling dinosaur
cute dinosaur, coloring book page, simple and clean line art, children drawing book. Black and white
little small dino coloring book page
funny cute dinosaur eating pasta coloring book page
cute Triceratops, coloring book page
cute Triceratops, coloring book page, simple and clean line art, children drawing book. Black and white, crisp black lines, sharp lines.simple coloring page for kids, featuring a cartoon style cub, anime style
cute Ceratopsian, coloring book page, simple and clean line art, children drawing book
cute Tyrannosaurus , coloring book page
cute dinosaur coloring book page
cute Velociraptor , coloring book page, simple and clean line art, children drawing book

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