Showing posts with label teeth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teeth. Show all posts

Dentists' Day - March 6

Dentists' Day is a day of appreciation for people who care about the health of our mouths and the integrity of our teeth.
We usually do everything we can to not see our dentist, and when it starts to hurt and there is no choice but to make an appointment, we are not excited to see him again, both because of the unpleasant treatment and because of the price.
Dentist Day is today to be nice to dentists and remember that they are just doing their job, so in honor of this day we will smile a wide smile full of white teeth at the dentist, and show him what good kids we are and how we take care of our teeth.

Some interesting and surprising facts about dentists:
Until the 20th century dentistry did not have a separate specialty in medicine and general practitioners also treated dentistry.
A dentist's chair from the beginning of the 20th century
Today dentistry is a broad medical-surgical field, with many specializations, dealing not only with the teeth and jaw but with the face, oral cavity and the base of the skull.
To become a dentist you have to study at the university for 6 years.

The first to practice dentistry were the Phoenicians who lived in the Lebanese area before the Bronze Age (3300 BC). The Phoenicians and Greeks were the pioneers in dentistry. Archaeological finds show that they used artificial teeth carved from ivory and attached to the real teeth with gold threads. They believed that what causes toothache are toothworms.
In the Middle Ages the treatment of diseased teeth was done by booksellers, blacksmiths, jewelers, blazers and others. Most of the time, those who were involved in extracting sore teeth were books.
In the photo: a tooth extraction in the Middle Ages

The first electric chair, intended for execution, was invented by Alfred P. Southwick, who was a dentist (Link).
Dentophobia is a fear of dentists. About 10-20 percent of the population suffers from it.

 March 6 is also the birthday of Oreo cookies and Frozen Food Day

Tooth Fairy Day - February 28th

Tooth Fairy Day is celebrated in honor of the favorite fairy of millions of children around the world, the one who gives them a gift in exchange for thier tooth that has fallen and they have placed it under a pillow. The tooth fairy was invented by the adults to give the children a good feeling when their deciduous teeth fall out. The tooth fairy exists mainly in Western countries, such as North America and Western Europe. 
The tooth fairy is an imaginary folkloristic figure who according to legend gives children money or gifts if they put the baby teeth that have fallen under their pillow at night.

This figure is an example of the folkloristic figures that exist in the modern world, and which many adults, though they do not believe at all in its existence, tell about it to their children.

In many Spanish-speaking countries there is a similar character known as the "Ratoncito PĂ©rez" - "the mouse Perez" (mouse with a surname). In Francophone countries (such as France, Belgium, Switzerland or Luxembourg) the character is called "La petite souris" (or "little mouse") - "La petite souris".

What does the tooth fairy look like?
Unlike Santa Claus, there are some details about the appearance of the tooth fairy which remain consistent in different versions of the myth. A 1984 study by Rosemary Wells found that most, 74% of respondents believed that she is a female, while 12% believed that she is not male or female, and 8% believed that tooth fairy could be male or female. When asked about her findings regarding the appearance of the tooth fairy, Wells explained - "there is the basic fairy of Tinkerbell with the wings, the wand, a little older and what not". A review of children's books and popular publications found the tooth fairy is also described as a child with wings, pixie, dragon, blue mother figure, flying ballerina, two little elders, dentist, flying man with a cigar smoking belly, bat, bear and more.

How to celebrate Tooth Fairy Day? 
There is controversy as to whether this day falls in late February or August, but whatever, if you are unsure, children can be left with a gift under the pillow in honor of Tooth Fairy Day twice a year, even if they have not lost a tooth. You can tell them that the tooth fairy just came to say hi in honor of her special day :) .

February 28 is also Chocolate Souffle Day and Rare Illness Day

Dentists coloring pages

 Free printable coloring pages of dentists and dental health. 

Choose the coloring page of the dentist you want to paint, print and paint for your enjoyment. To print the page you would like to color, click on page and then click Ctrl+P.

Little boy at the dentist coloring pageDentist printable coloring page for children
Dentist coloring sheetsColoring pages of Dentists to print for free
Dentist coloring page for kidsDentist coloring page for kids age 4-8
Animals dentist coloring page for preschool kidsdental health coloring page
dentist coloring page kindergarten childrenDental health coloring page for kids
Boy at the dentist with his mom coloring pagebrushing teeth coloring sheets
Tooth paste coloring pageLittle boy brushes his teeth coloring page

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