Showing posts with label teddy bears. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teddy bears. Show all posts

Bears and Teddy bears coloring pages

Free printable coloring pages of bears and Teddy bears.

Choose the coloring page of the bear or Teddy bear you want to paint, print and paint for your enjoyment. To print the page you would like to color, click on page and then click Ctrl+P.

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Bears coloring pageBear coloring pageYoung bear drawing
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Bear coloring page for kids
Primary Composition Notebook
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Bear coloring page

Teddy Bear Day - September 9th

The Teddy Bear is one of the most popular toys for children, and it also has a special place in the hearts of many adults. In honor of this beloved furry doll, they invented a whole day, Teddy Bear Day. This day gives people a chance to take their bears out of the closet, hug them and give them lots of attention. This is an ideal time to go out with the teddy bear to his favorite activity, a picnic.
The teddy bears began to be produced in factories in Europe and America in 1907.
The name Teddy Bear comes from the United States, after President Theodore Roosevelt who refused to shoot a small bear during a hunting trip.
Over the years, many Teddy Bears have become famous like the Paddington bear, the Rupert bear, Colargol, Bear Lala and of course Winnie the Pooh and many others.

Image source: Amazon

September 9 is also North Korea's Independence Day

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