Showing posts with label storytelling day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label storytelling day. Show all posts

National Tell a Story Day - April 27

National Tell a Story Day is a day celebrated in the United States every year on April 27th. This day is created for people who want to meet to tell stories of all kinds. The stories can be stories from a book, from the memory or from the imagination of the narrator.
Libraries around the country hold meetings where children are told stories.

Families gather together to hear stories from previous generations from the grandparents of the family. This is a great way to continue the family tradition as well as have an interesting and educational encounter. Some of the best stories are those that told of past experiences and adventures. Many people enjoy listening to their grandparents share their stories of what it was like when they grew up.
On storytelling day, it does not matter if the story is short or long, fictional or true, on this day everyone enjoys just telling and hearing stories!

April 27 is also Freedom Day and World Graphics Day

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