Showing posts with label stories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stories. Show all posts

National Tell a Story Day - April 27

National Tell a Story Day is a day celebrated in the United States every year on April 27th. This day is created for people who want to meet to tell stories of all kinds. The stories can be stories from a book, from the memory or from the imagination of the narrator.
Libraries around the country hold meetings where children are told stories.

Families gather together to hear stories from previous generations from the grandparents of the family. This is a great way to continue the family tradition as well as have an interesting and educational encounter. Some of the best stories are those that told of past experiences and adventures. Many people enjoy listening to their grandparents share their stories of what it was like when they grew up.
On storytelling day, it does not matter if the story is short or long, fictional or true, on this day everyone enjoys just telling and hearing stories!

April 27 is also Freedom Day and World Graphics Day

Tell A Fairy Tale Day- February 26

February 26 is a particularly magical date, because it is National Legend Stories Day (in the US).
Fairy tales are old stories passed down from generation to generation, from grandparents to parents, and from parents to children, and there is no one who hardly knows them.
Legend stories are known all over the world and cross continents and seas. They are based on myths, fears and methods of educating children. They are imaginary and contain evil witches, princes and princesses, magic and sorcery, good and evil fairies, magnificent palaces, fallen wooden houses, giants, dwarves, knights and monsters.
By today’s standards, some of the legends are unworthy of children, because of violent or sexist content. But once upon a time adults would not hesitate to tell children scary stories about what happens to children who do not behave properly.


Many of the stories have some basis in reality. For example, there are those who believe that the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was inspired by the real life of Margaretha von Waldeck, the daughter of the Count of Waldeck in 16th-century Germany. Margaretha was very beautiful and did not get along with the Count's wife, her stepmother. At one point the mother kicked Margaretha out of the house. It is not known what happened to Margaretha and it is speculated that she fell in love with a handsome sheriff and died mysteriously before she could live with him happily and richly (perhaps the stepmother really poisoned her with an apple). There were many mines in the Waldeck area of ​​Germany. The demand for miners was so high and on the other hand the poverty of the people was great, that in the mines many children worked. Short people were also hired to go through the mines and this is probably the story of the house that Snow White came to where seven dwarfs lived.


Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
The Brothers Grimm (Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm) collected many stories that were told orally and published them in books, so that they would not be forgotten. The first book they published was in 1812.


Another collection of legends published by Aesop, in ancient Greece. The parables of Aesop were parables that dealt mainly with animals and illustrated human behaviors.
Hans Christian Andersen first published in 1829 the written versions of the princess on the lens, the ugly duckling, the little mermaid and many others.

How to celebrate Tell A Fairy Tale Day?
You can tell a fairy tale to children. To attract them share with them the movements and voices of characters from the story, like longing like the ugly duckling or the movements of climbing in a story about Jack and the pea tree.
Another way is to read fairy tales yourself or watch Disney fairy tale movies ...
The Ugly Duckling, from the 1939 Disney movie

February 26 is also Personal Chef Day

Short Story Day - December 21

There is no greater torment than to carry a story that is not told within you. ~ Maya Angelou

Love literature? Feel like you have a story you never wrote because you do not have time to write an entire book? Do you have a brilliant idea for a story that you want to write and you do not get it? Today is the day of short stories. Today is the day to get motivated and bring your story out. All you need is paper and a pen, or a computer or typewriter, whatever you prefer.

What is a short story?
As the name implies, a short story is a story that can be read at once, in a little time, less than an hour. There is no exact definition of what is considered a short story, but it can be between 1,000 and 20,000 words long.
The short stories became popular in the late 1700s and early 1800s, with the publication of Richard Cumberland's work, "The Poisoner of Montremos" and Washington Irving's works, "Disconnected from Life" and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow." Both stories immediately became classics. More famous short stories were later written by writers such as Ernest Hemingway, Franz Kafka, Mark Twain, Rudyard Kipling, Leo Tolstoy and Stephen King.

How to celebrate Short Story Day?
As we said before, the best way to celebrate Short Story Day is to finally write what has been on your mind for a long time. Even if you do not become a world-renowned writer as a result, at least give it a try. Whatever your idea, romantic story, fantasy, horror, suspense, detective mystery or little anecdote, just put it down on paper. Who knows, you might find that you really enjoy it and keep writing more short stories until you can put out an entire book, a collection of your short stories?
Another way to celebrate Short Story Day is to read short stories. 
If this literary genre appeals to you, you can sign up for workshops that teach short story writing.
And do not forget to publish the story you wrote. Today it is possible to publish short stories on blogs, social networks, short story competitions and more.

Little Red Riding Hood coloring pages

Free printable coloring pages of Little Red Riding Hood - Little Red Riding Hood is a fairy tale by Charles Perrault and Brothers Grimms. The plot tells of a girl named "Little Red Riding Hood" because of the red hood she always wore. One day, Little Red Riding Hood's mother sent her to the edge of the woods, to her sick grandmother's house, to bring her cake and wine and warned her not to turn off the trail nor talk to the big bad wolf.

On the way, Little Red Riding Hood met the big bad wolf and he asked her where she was going. She told him that her sick grandmother lived at the edge of the forest. The wolf rushed ahead of Red Riding Hood and came to the grandmother's house. When he knocked on the door she asked him who it was and he answered her with a kind voice: "Red Riding Hood". The grandmother opened the door for him and he devoured it. She stayed alive in his stomach.
The wolf dressed up as a grandmother, got into her bed and waited for Little Red Riding Hood to arrive, to devour her too. Indeed, Little Red Riding Hood reached her grandmother's house after a while. She came in to give her the cake and wine and moved closer to the bed.
"Grandma, why do you have such long ears?" Red Riding Hood asked the wolf and he replied "to hear you better, dear."
"And why do you have such big eyes?" - "To see you better, dear."
"And why do you have such a big mouth and so sharp teeth?" - "To devour you!" Replied the wolf who revealed himself. Fortunately, a hunter just passed the house. He went inside and saved Red Cap and took her grandmother out of the wolf's stomach.
Choose the coloring page of Little Red Riding Hood you want to paint, print and paint for your enjoyment. To print the page you would like to color, click on page and then click Ctrl+P.

Coloring pages of Little Red Riding Hood to print for freeLittle Red Riding Hood coloring sheetsLittle Red Riding Hood Coloring sheets to print for free
Little Red Riding Hood coloring sheetsLittle Red Riding Hood coloring sheetsLittle Red Riding Hood coloring sheets
Little Red Riding Hood coloring sheets to print for freeLittle Red Riding Hood coloring sheetscoloring pages Little Red Riding Hood
Little Red Riding HoodLittle Red Riding Hood coloring pageLittle Red Riding Hood coloring page
Little Red Riding Hood coloring pageLittle Red Riding Hood coloring pagesLittle Red Riding Hood coloring pages
Little Red Riding Hood coloring pagesLittle Red Riding Hood coloring pagesLittle Red Riding Hood coloring pages
Little Red Riding Hood coloring pagesLittle Red Riding Hood coloring pageLittle Red Riding Hood coloring page
Little Red Riding Hood coloring pagesLittle Red Riding Hood coloring pagesLittle Red Riding Hood coloring pages
Little Red Riding Hood coloring pagesLittle Red Riding Hood coloring pagesLittle Red Riding Hood coloring pages
Little Red Riding Hood coloring pagesLittle Red Riding Hood coloring pagesLittle Red Riding Hood coloring pages
Little Red Riding Hood coloring pagesLittle Red Riding Hood coloring pagesLittle Red Riding Hood coloring pages
Little Red Riding Hood coloring pagesLittle Red Riding Hood coloring pagesLittle Red Riding Hood coloring pages
Little Red Riding Hood coloring pagesLittle Red Riding Hood CostumeLittle Red Riding Hood Kindergarten notebook

Goldilocks and the Three Bears coloring pages

Free printable coloring pages of Goldilocks and the Three Bears - Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a beloved and old children's story from 1837 (though it may be even older) published by English poet Robert Southey.

The story tells of Goldilocks, a curious girl, who one day went for a walk and came to the house a family of bears, mother bear, father bear and boy bear. The family of bears is not home and tired and hungry Goldilocks go into the house, tastes from the three bears porridge bowls and decides to eat the son bear porridge which is neither too hot nor too cold. Later, she decides to rest, and afterwards examines all three of the bear's chairs, she finally selects the boy bear's chair which is neither too hard nor too soft. Later, she decides to go to bed, and after checking all three beds, she falls asleep on the boy Bear's bed.
As she sleeps, the three bears return to their home. The young bear discovers that they have eaten the porridge and says, "Someone ate my porridge," then "Someone sat in my chair," and when the bears enter the bedroom, Goldilocks wakes up in panic and jumps out the window and runs away, and that's the end of the story.
Choose the coloring page of Goldilocks and the three bears you want to paint, print and paint for your enjoyment. To print the page you would like to color, click on page and then click Ctrl+P.

Coloring pages of Goldilocks and the Three Bears to print for freeGoldilocks and the Three Bears coloring sheets
Goldilocks and the Three Bears Coloring sheets to print for freeGoldilocks and the Three Bears coloring sheets
Goldilocks and the Three Bears coloring sheetsGoldilocks and the Three Bears coloring sheets
Goldilocks and the Three Bears coloring page to print for freeGoldilocks and the Three Bears coloring sheets
coloring pages Goldilocks and the Three BearsGoldilocks and the Three Bears coloring page
Goldilocks  coloring pageGoldilocks and the Three Bears coloring page
Goldilocks and the Three Bears coloring pageGoldilocks and the Three Bears coloring page
Goldilocks and the Three Bears coloring pageGoldilocks and the Three Bears
Goldilocks and the Three BearsGoldilocks and the Three Bears
Goldilocks and the Three Bears

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