What would we do without the programmers and software engineers? What would our world look like? Almost everything we use in the 21st century is powered by some kind of computer chip that runs on a computer program that one or more computer programmers spent whole days and nights programming it and making sure it works well.
Remember the days when car windows were manual and non-electric? And what would our life look like without a microwave or an innovative food processor? Remember that in order to see what programs are on TV we had to buy a newspaper? Almost every little thing in our lives involves the use of computer software.
The quiet heroes of our generation are computer programmers. Although they are anonymous and we are not aware of them, they spend hours and hours in front of their computers, looking at screens full of literature and our letters mean nothing but to them a lot.
Software sharing day, Shareware, is a day dedicated to all those responsible for software that makes our lives easier and more comfortable.
History of shareware
The first software that was freeware was PC-Talk, a communication program created by Andrew Flogelman in 1982. Then came the first collaborative software called PC-Write, which was a word processing tool created by Bob Wallace in 1983. He released it for use The public and because he did not demand money for it, he could not get rich from it, which is a shame, because the production of this software led to the development of lots of wonderful software like virus protection software, audio and video file players and much more.
Because it is difficult to make a living from collaborative software, many projects are abandoned instead of updated, because after all, even programmers have to eat and pay rent and if they fail to make a living from the software they develop, they cannot continue.
The purpose of International Software Sharing Day
International Shareware Day was created to remind us, users of shared software, the value we have gained from using the programs, which we have often downloaded for free, and to encourage us to transfer payment to the writers. We all want to download software for free and are not willing to pay even a few dollars. Is this justified? When you are in a restaurant you pay the bill for the food you ordered and give a tip to the waiters generously and without batting an eyelid, so why not pay the person who developed the software that saved your computer from a malicious virus? Or someone who lets you watch videos or listen to your favorite music? We must remember not to take anything for granted, because we need a lot more of it, a lot more software that will surprise us and we will not understand how we have managed without them so far, we need to be updated on the software we already use because everything changes so fast. For this they need to make a living, and just as we support everyone who gives us a service we are happy with, they deserve it too!
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