Showing posts with label smoothies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label smoothies. Show all posts

National Tapioca Day - June 28

Today is National Tapioca Day, the carbs that may be lesser known but no less delicious than the other carbs.
Tapioca is produced from the cassava plant, also known as yucca or manioc, which originated in South America.


Tapioca is a low-starch raw material, used to make dishes like pudding or porridge. The tapioca comes in two forms: in a texture of slightly coarse flour, from which you can make pancakes, and in the form of starchy pearl balls. Because the tapioca is tasteless, you can add to it any flavor you want like vanilla, sugar, coconut milk, almond milk, rose water, chocolate, sesame, cinnamon, maple syrup, strawberries, berries and more.


In tapioca pudding, the liquid that comes in the form of pearls is combined with the liquid to create a delicious mixture. In the US, vanilla-flavored tapioca pudding is a very popular dish.
Tapioca is low in fat and does not contain gluten, so it is suitable for people with celiac disease (gluten sensitivity). Tapioca pudding, for example, does not contain cow's milk and is therefore an excellent dessert for both those who are allergic to gluten and those who are allergic to milk or do not want to eat dairy foods.


What can you make from tapioca?
  • Tapioca pancakes, which have a more viscous texture than wheat flour pancakes.
  • Tapioca pudding similar to rice pudding: Tapioca balls are boiled in water, soften and become semi-transparent. Then add sugar and milk (you can use herb milk in different flavors such as vanilla, coconut and more) or coconut liquid and serve cold with the addition of fruit.
  • Pão de queijo- Brazilian bread made from very finely ground tapioca flour (similar in texture to starch).
  • Bubble Tea - A popular drink in the Far East that originated in Taiwan to which tapioca balls (also called tapioca pearls) are added. The black-colored pills are usually at the bottom of the drink and rise in the thick straw along with the drink.
  • Smoothies and juices - Tapioca pearls are used as a delicious addition to smoothies and fruit juices.


Is it healthy to eat tapioca?
The answer is yes!
Tapioca is rich in minerals and vitamins and has almost no harmful components, such as sodium, cholesterol and saturated fat. Tapioca has many dietary fiber and B vitamins, including vitamin B6, folic acid and pantothenic acid as well as iron, calcium, manganese, copper and selenium. Also, one cup of tapioca contains about 45% of the recommended daily amount of carbohydrates for an adult. Tapioca is great for those who are underweight and need to gain weight, because it is rich in calories, but does not have the unnecessary addition of cholesterol and saturated fat that are found in many fatty foods.


June 28 is also Piercing Day

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