Scooby-Doo is a 392-episode animated series originally produced by Hannah-Barbara from 1969 to the present.
The series focuses on a giant Danish dog named Scooby Doo, whose owner is 17-year-old Norville "Shaggy" Rogers from the fictional town of Coolsville, Ohio, where a mysterious atmosphere exists and most seemingly supernatural affairs occur. These are part of a group of adolescent boys: Fred "Freddie" Jones (17), Daphne Blake, and Velma Dinkley (16 years old). In each episode, Scooby Doo and the group travel to a new location across the United States (sometimes elsewhere- Worldwide) with the help of their van and solving mysteries that usually include ghosts and supernatural powers. At the end of each episode, the group manages to solve the mystery and find logical explanations for the supernatural forces, which usually stand behind a criminal who tries to resemble a terrifying figure with a costume designed to scare. In fact, at the end of each episode, the villain grabs the wicked and takes off his mask (sometimes even the criminals impersonate the ghosts From monsters, but also for other people to harden further cracking the mystery), and then it says criminal after being caught "... and I would have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn't been for you meddling kids!"
Choose the coloring page of Scooby Doo you want to paint, print and paint for your enjoyment. To print the page you would like to color, click on page and then click Ctrl+P. Have fun!