Showing posts with label poverty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poverty. Show all posts

International Fanny Pack Day - The Second Saturday of March

 Remember that in the 80s of last century everyone would walk around with a fanny pack on their waist? This comfortable and safe bag was then at the height of fashion. Today the fanny pack may be less in fashion but it can still be found in handbag stores in various designs. It has so many benefits and should be brought back into fashion immediately!

The fanny pack is a small bag, slightly larger than a purse, attached to a belt worn around the waist. Fanny Pack Day is meant to celebrate not only in honor of this bag but also to raise awareness of an important social issue - hunger. Symbolically the goal is to fill the fanny pack with food items on this day and go out with it to distribute them to the needy.


The history of International Fanny Pack Day

International Fanny Pack Day was celebrated following an event that happened in 2007. Nick Yates, an artist from Portland, Oregon, was the person who conceived and created this day. It was then the first Saturday of March 2007. Nick Yates returned from a party with a fruitcake he had taken from it and kept for him in his fanny pack. He happened to meet Homeless on the street who told him his fanny pack looked nice. Nick opened the fanny pack and gave him the fruitcake that was inside.

The incident caused Yates to link the fanny pack to help the homeless. He contacted food banks and continued to distribute food while wearing a fanny pack for hungry people on the way. To raise awareness of the good deed, he created Fanny Pack Day, on the second Saturday of each March.


Hunger is a problem all over the world. No matter how advanced or rich a country is, there is always a part of society that cannot achieve one of the most basic needs there is, food. Unfortunately, there are a lot of hungry people and a high percentage of them are children.

How to celebrate Fanny Pack Day?

The answer is simple. If you are willing to help poor, needy and homeless people, then go ahead, take a fanny pack with some food products like sandwiches and give them. But the fanny pack is not mandatory. The goal is to help people. Need to help hungry people all year round but this day is a special day to raise awareness of it on social media for example. To raise awareness you can share your photo with a fanny pack on the waist on social media with the hashtag #FannyPackDay. It is important to clarify that there is an idea behind the fanny pack and this is not just an image designed to receive compliments. Besides it is also possible to volunteer at a soup kitchen or collect drinking bottles to redeem the deposit for them and give it to the poor. Do not ignore homeless people on the street or beggars. A sandwich can brighten their day and show them that they are not transparent. Make a difference. Be the change in someone's world.


fanny pack day
Image source: Amazon

Global Community Engagement Day- 28 January

Community involvement is a process of collaboration within community groups to address issues that affect the well-being of these groups. Although the term seems vague, community involvement is a concept that is a part of every person's life.

Any action you take that helps people in your community, whether it's a local community like the neighborhood or city where you live, or the country where you live, any such thing is community involvement. Community Involvement Day is designed to express appreciation to people who contribute to their community through various activities. Even if you contribute in your actions to something global, outside the boundaries of where you live, you are considered community involved because you are part of a large community of Earth inhabitants and you deserve appreciation.
Community involvement can be manifested in many activities for the community such as: helping the elderly, assisting the disabled, working with autistics, providing free private lessons for needy children, raising and distributing food packages to the needy, medical assistance to animals or providing assistance in animal shelters, animal adoption As a foster family until they find a permanent home, volunteering for the Civil Guard or rescue organizations and more.

Global Community Involvement Day started as an idea of the Engage 2 Act, an organization that aims to promote community involvement by bringing people together to talk about important issues in their community. Engage 2 Act started as a small group in South Australia that wanted to reach out to people all over the world and talk about what they are doing for community involvement. Because they wanted to put the holiday on the world map, they started with a survey, and asked their followers on social media, who is the person most active in community involvement. Whoever received the most number of votes, his birthday will be their official holiday date.
The results of the surveys showed that the most prominent person in his community involvement is the writer Dr. Wendy Sarkissian and that is why they chose her birthday today as the world community involvement.

How to celebrate Community Involvement Day?
One way to celebrate this special day is to meet with your colleagues who are involved in the community and do for it and celebrate with a good meal. You can also talk to other people about it, organize lectures and post on social media your activities and those of other people in your community. Today almost every locality in the country has a Facebook page and it is today to post on this page the special holiday and encourage people to take part in the community and donate their time and skills to it. Everyone has something to contribute and it is always exciting to see people helping each other.

January 28 is also Data Privacy Day

Philanthropy Day - November 15

November is a holiday month in the US that is full of generosity and giving. Those who have improved their fortune enjoy family meals with lots of food, a festive atmosphere with lots of decorations and joy and especially a feeling of warmth and security. There are lots of homeless, or destitute and poor people, who have no way of keeping the holiday customs full of good meals and gifts.
Philanthropy Day was created for them. 

It is a day founded in 1986 by a philanthropist named Douglas Freeman and officially announced by the then President of the United States, Ronald Reagan.
On this day, many charitable activities are held throughout the United States, such as festive meals whose proceeds are donated to organizations that care about the well-being of people who do not have them.

How to celebrate Philanthropy Day?
Today is an opportunity for us to remember the importance of giving and helping those who do not even have routine periods when there is no holiday, but these people still have no shelter and nothing to eat. . Especially now that winter and with it the cold and rains are approaching, it's time to contribute and help.

November 15 is also the day of cleaning the refrigerator

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty- October 17th

Poverty has many sad faces. Poverty is not something far away, he is not hungry children in Africa or India. Poverty is here. Alive and kicking in the stomach. 
Poverty is when people can not buy food in the supermarket when they can not pay the electricity bill, the water bill, and the taxes. When they can not buy clothes or shoes when they give up medication or dental care because of the price. 

Poverty is a social problem that affects entire communities. Poverty can lead to crime, a hopeless circle that can not be avoided. Society must fight poverty for its future. Unfortunately, we have almost no bodies to help fight poverty and most politicians are busy worrying about their chair that will give them a fat salary.

The first International Day for the Eradication of Poverty was declared was on October 17, 1987. It was a saturday in which more than a hundred thousand people gathered at Trocadero Square in Paris, France. This was the place where the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights was signed in 1948 to honor the victims of extreme poverty, violence and hunger, organized by the Fourth World Movement, the International Movement for Poor Families, Their declaration of the eradication of poverty: "Everywhere people are condemned to live in distress, where human rights are trampled. To unite in order to demand respect for them - this is our responsibility and our duty. "  

The stone has been replicated and placed around the world to remind the United Nations to examine the state of poverty and how the struggle against it progresses every year on this day, and one copy of the stone is placed in the UN headquarters garden. Hundreds of people gather there each year to renew their determination to fight poverty and demonstrate solidarity with those who live and fight poverty.  

In 1992, a resolution was passed and the UN General Assembly proclaimed the International Day for the Elimination of Poverty as an official day in which it promotes events related to the eradication of poverty and poverty.
October 17 is also Playing Card Collection Day

World Orphans day - the second Monday in November

 Hundreds of millions of children around the world have been tragically orphaned for many reasons: wars, famine, displacement, illness or poverty. To make sure they are not forgotten, once a year there is a special day dedicated just to them: World Orphans Day, which falls on the second Monday of each November.


An orphan is a person whose father or mother (or both) have passed away. This term usually refers to those who were orphaned before reaching adulthood, because it is an unusual situation that creates orphanage for subsistence problems. According to UNICEF (the United Nations International Fund for Emergencies) there are more than 140,000,000 orphans worldwide as of 2017. An additional 2,102,400 children become orphans each year in Africa alone. 20 million children are orphaned in India (SOS Children Villages). Every 18 SECONDS a child becomes an orphan. 400,000 orphans die every year of malnutrition. The sad thing is that 99% of orphans will never become adopted (according to Food for Orphans).

World Orphan Day has a noble purpose. It was founded to draw attention to the plight of orphans in the world. On this day, people are invited to actively participate in helping raise awareness, support and funding for children without mothers and fathers around the world.


The history behind World Orphans day

Already in the distant past people would volunteer to care for helpless orphans who were left without their parents for various tragic reasons. The first to officially care for orphaned children were the Romans, who opened the first orphanage in history around 400 AD. But long before them was the Jewish law prescribed care for the widow and the orphan and the Athenian law that must support orphans up to the age of 18 of those killed in military service until the age of eighteen. The great philosopher Plato once said, "Orphans should be placed under public guardians. Men should fear the loneliness of orphans and the souls of their deceased parents. A man should love the unfortunate orphan who is his guardian "His child. He must be as careful and diligent in managing the orphan property as himself or even more careful."

Later, in medieval Europe, orphans were treated in churches. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the number of orphans in England reached truly alarming proportions, not to mention the conditions in which the orphaned children lived, which were often appalling and abusive. Charles Dickens' most famous novel, "Oliver Twist," perfectly describes the hardships that orphaned children have had to endure in orphanages.


In the modern age researchers are almost unanimous in their claim that orphanages are the worst possible treatment option for children, as they do not receive the right amount of attention or physical contact for normal development.

This has led many people, usually Westerners, to decide to adopt children from poor countries to give them a chance at a better life. Unfortunately, this trend has also led to a large number of scams committed on the backs of innocent parents, many of whom have paid huge sums of money to adopt children bought from their parents for a very small sum.

World Orphanage was created by the Star Foundation to raise awareness of the number of children in this world who are missing something that most of us take for granted: parents. The wish of the Star Foundation was for this day to motivate people to do everything they can to help.

How to Celebrate World Orphan Day

As mentioned earlier, anything you can do to help can make a huge difference to poor orphans, so take some time to figure out what you can do to reach them. You can, for example, organize a fundraising event. It is also possible to sponsor a single child in an orphanage you have chosen in a particularly poor part of the world or to invest in educational programs aimed at giving orphans a fresh start in life. There are many ways to help orphans and this anniversary is meant to bring the ideas to as wide an audience as possible. You can get more information on the website -

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