Showing posts with label joy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label joy. Show all posts

Puppy Day - March 23

Puppy Day is the day to celebrate the joy and happiness of raising cute puppies at home. What fun it is to raise dogs from the first days of their lives. It does not have to be a dog, it can be either a cat or a hamster. It is today to go to charities and adopt a small dog or cat puppy, respond to ads that offer for the adoption of puppies and thereby help abandoned puppies who have nowhere to grow.

happy puppy day

animated gifs of puppies                           Coloring pages of puppies               

I Want you to be Happy Day- March 3

March 3 is the day that is the opposite of selfishness, the day when you take care of the happiness of others and try to make them happy, in fact what does it mean to try? Just do!
If you have a friend, relative, neighbor or acquaintance who has been a little unlucky lately, it is today to put a smile on their face and make them happy with help, a kind word or encouragement, a small gift, a delicious dish, a bouquet of flowers or whatever seems to you.
The origin of this day is unknown, apparently initiated by a company that makes greeting cards somewhere. The date was chosen probably because many believe that the number 3 brings joy and luck.

 March 3 is also World Hearing Day and World Wild Life Day

Joy Germ Day- January 8

We usually stay away from germs. No one wants to catch a disease, easy or difficult one.
But on January 8 there is a bacterium that has to breed and catch them all. This is the germ of joy.
The germ of joy is a small bacterium that starts smiling at people's faces, continues to laugh and spreads wherever you go. Imagine a day when everyone smiles and laughs. January 8 is the day.
If you want to participate in the joy germ day, put the sadness, anger and cynicism aside, go out into the world, smile and spread the joy around you. You don't need a special reason to be happy, be happy that you alive and pass the joy on, because it's contagious.

January 8 is also Bubble Bath Day

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