Showing posts with label happiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happiness. Show all posts

Let it go Day - June 23

Let it go day is a special day designed to make room for us in the soul for positive and pleasant things.
Are you familiar with the regrets, hatreds, resentments we hold and the angers that sit on our hearts and take away our energy from the soul, sometimes for weeks, months and even years?
People from the past, who hurt us intentionally or not, exes who broke our hearts, friends who disappeared from our lives, all kinds of people we have a negative feeling towards.

June 23 is a special day to release all the negative thoughts and feelings, to decide to move on and throw away the past.
You can do it in all sorts of ways: you can go yelling at the sea, you can throw stones at the lake, when each stone symbolizes something negative, you can write a letter and anything that you think will help.
It's true that every day is good to let it go, but if you did not do it and did not think about it, this day is meant to remind you that because in order to build a positive future, you should get rid of the precipitation that pulls you down.

Tiara Day- May 24

The tiara is a delicate crown suitable for a bride, beauty queen or a costume of a queen and princess.
Tiara Day is a day designed to celebrate the empowerment of women.
Unlike scarves and veils designed to hide a woman's face, the tiara is a delicate crown that emphasizes the beauty of her face. Therefore, it is a symbolic day for the expression of the control and pride of the woman in her life.

On this day women are supposed to go with a tiara on their head, but maybe it will look a little weird if you are not on your way to your wedding, so women, imagine you have it on your head and go with it upright and proud, like a beauty queen!

May 24 is also Brothers Day

Rapture Party Day - May 21

In recent decades there have been predictions that on May 21, 2011, the end of the world will come.
This prediction is the work of a man named Harold Camping, a Christian radio broadcaster, who said that on that date Jesus would return to the world and then be taken to heaven in the form of "ecstasy", with fireballs, sulfur and other plagues landing on the earth. Until October 21, 2011, the day the world will be finally eliminated.

Well, May 21, 2011 came and brought with it neither Jesus nor the end of the world, but in the US there are those who celebrate this date today ecstasy in parties of happiness and joy accompanied by enthusiasm and dancing to this day. The parties are called in English "Rapture Parties".
Harold Camping passed away in December 2013. His prediction did not come true to our delight, but at least he gave some people a new reason to party.

International Day of Happiness - March 20

International Happiness Day was presented by the UN General Assembly in 2012 and celebrated for the first time in 2013, through seminars, lectures with educational tips and tools aimed at educating and raising public awareness of the benefits of happiness.
International Happiness Day was presented by the UN General Assembly in 2012 and celebrated for the first time in 2013, through seminars, lectures with educational tips and tools aimed at educating and raising public awareness of the benefits of happiness.
So who is the happiest country in the world? At the top are the Scandinavian countries, with Finland starring in first place. This is the top ten in the happiness index: 1. Finland, 2. Denmark, 3. Norway, 4. Iceland, 5. The Netherlands, 6. Switzerland, 7. Sweden, 8. New Zealand, 9. Canada, 10. Austria. 

The saddest countries in the world are the sub-Saharan countries of Africa, Syria, South Sudan and Yemen.
The ranking is based on six criteria: national product, health expenditure, freedom of residents, generosity, social support and lack of corruption in government and business.
International Happiness Day is a useful reminder to all of us that general happiness does not necessarily stem from buying and consuming, or from being famous or glamorous - but often from friends, family and emotional well-being.

The commercials tell us that if we buy as much as possible we will be happy, the celebrities present us with a glamorous picture of beauty and happy smiles, but is it real? What really makes us happy?
In honor of Happy Day, we wish you a happy day!

I Want you to be Happy Day- March 3

March 3 is the day that is the opposite of selfishness, the day when you take care of the happiness of others and try to make them happy, in fact what does it mean to try? Just do!
If you have a friend, relative, neighbor or acquaintance who has been a little unlucky lately, it is today to put a smile on their face and make them happy with help, a kind word or encouragement, a small gift, a delicious dish, a bouquet of flowers or whatever seems to you.
The origin of this day is unknown, apparently initiated by a company that makes greeting cards somewhere. The date was chosen probably because many believe that the number 3 brings joy and luck.

 March 3 is also World Hearing Day and World Wild Life Day

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