Showing posts with label frogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label frogs. Show all posts

World Frog Day - March 20

World Frog Day is a special and festive day in honor of the frogs, which falls on March 20 every year.
Frogs are amphibians that divide their lives both on land and in water. The frog family that belongs to the tailless family has lots of species and the most common types we are familiar with are the Levant water frog and the Pool frog.
When you walk around a water source and hear croaking, you are likely to hear the river frog.
Frogs prey on insects and play a vital role in preserving the environment. But in recent years, different species of frogs are endangered for various reasons. Some of the reasons are related to the human who destroys the environment in which they live or hunt them for food, and some of the reasons are related to nature such as climate change or a deadly fungus that has caused the extinction and significant reduction of hundreds of frog species.
World Frog Day is a day designed to raise awareness for the conservation of frogs and concern for a safer environment for them to survive.
World Frog Day has been celebrated since 2009. There is no exact mention of the person or organization that initiated this awareness day. In addition to World Frog Day, there is also the Frog Rescue Day which falls on April 28th.

In honor of International Frog Day, get some interesting facts about frogs:

There are over 5,000 species of frogs in the world. Each species has its own unique croaking, and there are croaking of frogs that can be heard from miles away!

Frogs should not drink water because they absorb it through the skin.

Some frogs can jump over 20 times their body length; It's like a person jumping 30 meters high.

In Egypt the frog is the symbol of life and fertility, and in Egyptian mythology the cat is the one that comes in the form of a frog representing fertility. (Source: Wikipedia)

Many species of frogs care for their offspring (tadpoles). For example, Poison dart frogs tend to lay their eggs on the ground and then secrete poison on them to protect them from predators.

There are females of several species of frogs that guard their offspring (tadpoles) and provide food for them. If there is not enough food in the area, they will keep their eggs unfertilized to feed them on.
The Tree frogs build their nests on the trees above the water so that when the tadpoles hatch they fall straight into the water.
Frog eggs
The largest frog in the world is the Goliath frog. It lives in West Africa and can reach a length of 35 centimeters and a weight of 3 kilograms. Its bounce is so strong that it can reach a distance of 3 meters in one bounce.

One gram of the toxin produced on the skin of a Golden poison frog can kill 100,000 people.
Golden Arrow Frog
A frog sheds its skin once a week. The old, dead skin, she usually eats.

When the first offspring of the Darwin frog hatch, the father frog swallows them. It keeps the tiny tadpoles in its vocal cords for 52 days to allow them to grow and then it begins to "cough" and emit whole tiny frogs.

When a frog swallows its prey, it blinks and thus pushes its eyeballs onto its mouth, which helps it push the food down its throat.

The North American tree frog freezes in winter and thaws in summer. When winter temperatures drop, the body of the tree frog goes out; Breathing, heartbeat and muscle movements stop. The water in the body's cells freezes and is replaced by glucose and urea to prevent the cells from collapsing. As the temperatures rise, the frog warms up, its body functions resume and it leaps as if nothing has happened.

The Glass frog has transparent skin so that its internal organs, bones and muscles can be seen through the skin. You can even see her heart beating and the process of digesting food in her stomach.

Indonesia has a frog that has no lungs at all. She breathes completely through her skin.

The Waxy monkey tree frog, a frog that lives in the rainforests of South America, secretes wax from its neck and uses its legs to rub the wax on all parts of its body to prevent the skin from drying out in the sun.

Why are frogs important?
Frogs feed on large numbers of insects, including those that transmit deadly diseases to humans (such as malaria or Nile fever). The amphibian's skin is permeable, and can easily absorb toxic chemicals. Therefore, for protection, they produce a wide range of secretions some of which have the potential to be used as drugs. Because of their high sensitivity to environmental changes, they are considered good bioindicators and indicate the local environment in which they are located.

How to celebrate World Frog Day?
The best way to celebrate Frog Day is to learn about frogs, their habitats, their types and the environmental roles they play. It is important to raise awareness of the declining frog population in the world and the importance of rescuing them. Anyone can make a change in their life that will help reduce environmental pollution, and if everyone takes the step, the impact of the majority will be tremendous. 

Coloring pages for adults of animals

 Welcome to animals mandalas coloring pages for adults! That's right, coloring is usually an activity we tend to associate with kids because after all as we grow up we move to pens and computers and abandon the colors and blurs on the side. But it turns out that coloring can be very helpful to adults.

Mandalas coloring actually makes us health stable by stimulating brain areas related to motor skill, sharpening of senses and activating creativity. So it is not surprising that many sites, as well as our site, display a variety of coloring mandelas and special adult coloring brochures. The trend of coloring pages for adults is extremely popular around the world, and it seems to be here to stay.
Once we select print mandalas and start coloring them, there is a stress relief effect as a result of our focus on some action and moving aside the worries and harassment. In addition, the painting activates in the adults imagination and bring them back to childhood - a period that is usually less stressful. That alone leads us to the old, calm and at ease.
Coloring pages for adults, teens and older children of animals. High-difficulty coloring pages, complex coloring pages, abstract and with geometric shapes, of animals for free printing. Painting geometric shapes is known to soothe the mind and can also help when feeling stressed and depressed. You can choose the colors as you wish, cheerful, pleasant, bright or gloomy colors, according to your mood.
Here are some coloring pages of animals for adults. Choose the coloring page you want to paint, print and paint for your enjoyment. To print the page you would like to color, click on page and then click Ctrl+P.                               See more: Butterflies coloring pages
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