Showing posts with label expressions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label expressions. Show all posts

Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk Day - February 11

Do you know that something is wrong with you or that you are making a mistake, and when you find out you feel so bad that you almost cry, and then someone optimistic comes and tells you "don't cry over spilled milk"? So February 11th is a day created to acknowledge this proverb and get a shot of optimism and instead of crying over things done, look ahead, correct and move on.

It is not known why the date of February 11 was chosen as Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk Day. The source of this day is worldwide and no one has any idea why, but we will not weep over it, because February 11 is a day that promotes a positive attitude even when things do not go our way properly. Today is the day to recognize that life is too short to give little things bother us. It's today to look at the bright side of things.

The origin of the phrase "Don't cry over spilled milk"

The phrase "don't cry over spilled milk" has two meanings: 1. It is not worth regretting something that has happened and cannot be changed. 2. You should not regret the loss of a little thing. The first time the phrase appeared in scripture is in a collection of English proverbs by James Howell from 1659. The book suggests that the source of the proverb is from an earlier time, from a painting called "The Dutch Proverbs" by Pieter Bruegel from 1559, which shows lots of scenes representing Dutch expressions. Which shows spilled porridge. The meaning of the scene in the painting is: "Once the porridge has been spilled, it cannot be cleaned again," that is, when it is done, it cannot be returned.

The Dutch ProverbsPieter Bruegel 1559, public domain - look for the spilled porridge and those who regret it

We all know that unexpected or unplanned things happen in life, sometimes every day. With a positive attitude life will be much brighter and easier.

What can be done to deal with mistakes and glitches?

Learn from our mistakes - we all make unfortunate decisions in life. These decisions can cause irreversible or irreversible damage. There is no point in crying about what happened, it is more important that we learn from what happened so that it does not happen again.

Let go of remorse - Studies show that remorse felt over time, which includes feelings of disappointment, shame, anger and embarrassment about what we have done, can adversely affect our mental and physical well-being. When we focus on the past it prevents us from messing with the present and rebuilding our lives. Repentance can also cause mental stress and depression and affect present and future decision making, which will also hinder us from developing and growing despite what has happened. Therefore, it is recommended to let go of remorse and look ahead, and if you are not successful then seek professional treatment.

How to celebrate the Don't cry over spilled milk day?

If you have an event from the past that you are immersed in, are constantly digging into and it prevents you from moving forward, today is the day to tell yourself that it is time to leave it and leave it in the past.

We all make mistakes and whoever does not, is not wrong. Today is the day to move on and stop crying over the spilled milk, because what was was and should be moved on!

February 11 is also Satisfied Staying Single Day

Blah Blah Blah Day - April 17

Blah blah blah Day is celebrated worldwide on April 17 every year. "Blah blah blah" means having meaningless chatter or idle gossip. We use the phrase when we want to show someone that the things he says are irrelevant to us.

The origin of the phrase blah blah blah

According to historians, the origin of the phrase blah blah blah is in ancient Greece, where the term was "ber ber ber". The inspiration for the phrase was taken from the sounds made by the speakers, and it hints that these were "meaningless noises." Later these sounds evolved into phrases like "yada, yada, yada" and "blah, blah, blah."


The phrase "Blah, blah, blah" appeared in 19th century books. According to the English Oxford Dictionary, the first use of "Blah" came from a 1918 memoir in the journal Wine, Women, & War. The word "Blah" means revealing secrecy, gossip and talking about meaningless topics.

The history of Blah blah blah day

Blah blah blah day is a copyrighted holiday created by Ruth and Thomas Roy from the Wellcat Holidays and Herbs website in 2006. Their goal when they created the holiday was to do all the things other people are nagging you about.

Many times when we are nagged to do something we do not want to do we eliminate things by saying "blah blah blah". Either we really say it to the speaker or we mumble it quietly to ourselves. The purpose of this day is to listen to these swinging words and put them into practice. Whether they tell you to clean the house, apply for a job or quit smoking.

Blah blah blah Day is also meant to give value to talk that seems trivial to us. Sometimes we think that speech is worthless, but if we really listen to them and pay attention to the speakers, we will find that there is meaning and importance to the things they say.

It is true that our parents are snooty creatures by nature, but they want our best and it is today to listen and carry out what they say. Our friends everywhere can gossip endlessly, but if we listen deeply, we may recognize distress or a cry for help. Maybe the gossip comes from a low self-esteem and the gossipy friends should be encouraged? When our partner tells us how they had it today and we do not listen because we have no patience, they share with us that it is important to them that we be a part of their lives.

The purpose of Blah blah Day is also that this day will serve as a reminder to complete tasks and keep promises and also that we will make sure to listen more to others instead of canceling out the words that bother us.


How to celebrate Blah blah blah day?

Today is the day to pay attention to the things everyone is nagging you about and do them. Take this day as an opportunity to give a boost to doing things that annoy you. Stop procrastinating and start completing projects and keeping promises you made to people. It can be a bad habit you need to stop, weight loss, starting or ending new projects, arranging the room and more. Post photos and share your thoughts on social media about today using the hashtag #BlahBlahBlahDay.


Blah, Blah, Blah Day, April 17

April 17 is also Bat Appreciation Day

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