Showing posts with label costumers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label costumers. Show all posts

World Consumer Rights Day- March 15

Trade has existed since the dawn of human history. Already in the earliest times there was barter between people. For the fruits and vegetables you would grow in your land, you could buy wheat or skins for clothes. The problem was the difficulty in determining the value of the goods, the difficulty in finding buyers and sellers with suitable goods and the quarrels that would appear if goods were not good. Think you would have to go with Capricorn on your hands and walk around with him all day in the market until you would find him a buyer, who holds the goods you need. And what would happen if you found out at home that the tomatoes, for example, that you received were rotten?

The ancient consumer world was a very frustrating world and you needed a lot of luck in it.
Since then trade has evolved and today it is based on innovative technologies. Most of the purchases we make are documented on a computer and it is almost always possible to locate the seller from whom you bought if there is a problem.
Even trade in the modern period was not always simple and many disagreements arose between sellers and buyers, which often ended in front of a judge or by violence.

On March 15, 1962, US President John F. Kennedy delivered a speech on consumer rights that led to the creation of the Consumer Rights Act. Later, consumer rights activist Anwar Pazal, proposed holding the "World Consumer Rights Day" scheduled for March 15. It started in 1983 and since then every year consumer organizations mark this day as the promotion of the basic rights of consumers.
Consumer Rights Day is an annual event of celebration and solidarity within the international consumer movement. We are all familiar with the problems consumers face. To whom did it not happen that he received defective goods, that the sellers made price mistakes, that merchants made promises about products that were not fulfilled? This day concerns each and every one of us who wants to buy safely and get fair value for money.

 March 15 is also Brutus Day  and True Confessions Day

Black Friday 2021

Thanksgiving is celebrated in North America the fourth Thursday of November. The next day, Friday, is called "Black Friday" and it opens the season for Christmas sales. 

The name "Black Friday" comes off the mark was customary in the books of accounts, including the red mark and expenses Losses and Gains black mark. On Friday, many retailers it would "go dark side", ie record profits. This is the peak day of consumerism in the United States. 

In contrast, many economists consider this day a great success of the inspection through the retail market in the United States. In the past this day was the busiest shopping day of the year, but on Saturday before Christmas, took his place. 

Accessories supplied by before Christmas are decorations for Christmas trees, greeting cards, Santa Claus dolls and more. In addition, there is a massive purchase of gifts for the holiday. 

Black Friday was indeed a black day for some people: In 2008 Black Friday, which falls on November 28, killed one employee of Wal-Mart in New York and another four were injured after trampled by the masses of customers stormed the store is opened. And the Toys r' Us store in California, killing two people in a shooting after what appeared to be discussion between the two groups of consumers. 

The term "Black Friday" was invented in the 19th century after the economic crisis of 1869, when traders were profits after major losses accumulated. 
If you're buying online, here are some recommended and safe websites: Aliexpress, IHerb, Amazonebay

Some consumer groups and environmentalists are boycotting this particular day and call it "Buy Nothing Day". They advocate that it causes people to buy unnecessary things and increased consumption is destroying the planet. Which side are you? The buyer or the boycot?

When is Black Friday next few years? 

November 26 Black Friday 2021

November 25 Black Friday 2022

Black Friday November 24, 2023
Black Friday November 29, 2024
Black Friday November 28, 2025
Black Friday November 27, 2026
Black Friday November 26, 2027
Black Friday November 24, 2028
Black Friday November 23, 2029
Black Friday November 29, 2030

Missed Black Friday? don't worry, after the Black Friday comes the Cyber Monday :)

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