In 2007, beekeepers around the world discovered that 40 billion bees had disappeared from their hives. If the disappearance of the bees continues, we will be in serious trouble.
Bees are one of the most important animals for the continued existence of humans, and in recent years there has been a fear of their extinction because their numbers are declining. The bees are pollinating animals, the ones that transfer the pollen of the plants from the males to the females, in order to reproduce them, and without them this process will be harmed. Bees also help warn of environmental hazards and when a local ecosystem is not functioning properly.
The extinction of bees will not only result in a worldwide shortage of honey, but also of fruits and vegetables.
The dangers facing bees are invasive insects, pesticides and land use for uses other than agriculture, and thus their nutrients are reduced and bee colonies are under serious threat.
Following the discernment of the declining bee population, initiatives have arisen to protect them. One of these initiatives is World Bee Day, announced by the UN in 2017.
The date of May 20 was chosen because it is the birthday of Anton Janša, the pioneer of the bee industry who was involved in beekeeping and honey production. Janessa was born in Slovenia in the 18th century, and was the first beekeeper in the world.

How to mark Bee Day around the world?
Plant wildflower seeds (from which the bees produce nectar), and grow plants in the garden that do not need much water or special chemicals to grow.
Get to know the local beekeepers and learn from them about the craft of making honey.
Buy / prepare / eat honey or foods that contain honey.
Read and learn about bees and other pollinators, and how we can stop bee extinction.
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