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Photo link - Facebook page of the organization for vascular birthmarks |
Printable coloring pages for kids and adults, worksheets for kindergarten kids, preschoolers and low grades on many different topics, games and exercises on many subjects, mandalas, hobbies, gifts, greeting cards, animations and glitters, health and good life tips, beautiful and moving stories and sentences.
Vascular Birthmarks Awareness Day- May 15
Fibromyalgia Awareness Day- May 12

World Ego Awareness Day - May 11
World Ego Day is a day that aims to increase awareness of the ego issue and its impact on everything we do, focus attention and bring a broader understanding of the issue. World Ego Awareness Day is basically dedicated to those who suffer from it on a clinical level, because the ego is a healthy part of the mind when it exists properly, but not when it is overdeveloped.
The Ego Awareness Movement was established in 2018, as a support network for people struggling with ego-related mental states that can cause great suffering, such as anger, prejudice, inferiority complexes, feelings of superiority, addictions, stress-related violence, racism, sexism and more.
We are usually angry and dislike people with excessive egos, accusing them of selfishness and moving away from them, but extreme egotism is a mental disorder whose sufferers are not to blame for suffering from it.
An overly selfish mind is an unhealthy mind and it creates problems in relationships and empathy towards others. Those who struggle with the ego are more likely to feel loneliness and despair.
The causes of the development of the disorder are unknown, but the hypotheses are that they are a combination of neurobiological, genetic, psychological and environmental factors. The reasons for the development of the ego can stem from severe emotional abuse in childhood, from negative parenting experiences or childhood exposure to parental violence and learning antisocial behaviors from parents or friends.
How to attend World Ego Awareness Day?
We all know someone who we would say has an overly inflated ego, and although we all have a very good idea of what an “ego” is, we seem to lack the understanding of how harmful this phenomenon can be. Global Ego Awareness Day is our opportunity to take time for self-observation and explore our egos and our experiences with those around us to understand how much of our ego takes up space in our lives and how much it causes us to get into conflicts with others.
You can publish on this day articles and information on the subject, which can help others. Egoism is a trait that can cause us to hurt those around us by trying to control our unbalanced ego, as well as trying to manage our reactions to displaying other people's egos. While not everyone suffers from egoism, it is likely to appear on one level or another in everyone.
May 11 is also Eat What You Want Day
World Malaria Day- April 25
World Malaria Day is a special day of the year designed to raise awareness of the global effort to control malaria and ultimately eradicate it. The date of Malaria Day was set for April 25, 2001, but then it was called Malaria Day in Africa, in order to control malaria and reduce mortality from it there. In 2008 Malaria Day in Africa expanded to World Malaria Day.
World Malaria Day was set at the 60th Session of the World Health Assembly (a meeting sponsored by the World Health Organization [WHO]) to recognize that malaria exists in countries around the world other than Africa and raise awareness of the importance of the global fight against the disease.
Interesting facts about malaria
Malaria is an infectious disease also called swamp fever. It is most common in areas with tropical climates and especially in Africa, Central and South America and the Far Eastern countries.
Malaria mainly affects the red blood cells and causes damage to vital organs in the body as a result of anemia and blockage of blood vessels.
The origin of the name of the disease is in the Italian language, which means "bad air" (mala aria), due to the belief that existed in the past that the bad swamp air is the cause.
Malaria is one of the leading causes of death in the world! In 2018, an estimated 228 million people contracted malaria, of which about 405,000 died, most of them children under the age of 15 in sub-Saharan Africa.
Malaria is spread by the Anopheles mosquito. It exists in more than 100 countries around the world.
Malaria can be prevented by protecting against mosquitoes and spraying their incubators. The goal of the World Health Organization is to raise, among other things, the use of bed nets treated with insecticides and spraying with insecticides in places of origin in countries that are particularly vulnerable to malaria.
The cause of malaria is a unicellular creature called Plasmodium, which exists in the stomach of the Anopheles mosquito. There are ten other species of plasmodium that also harm other animals such as birds, reptiles and rodents.
In 1897, Ronald Ross, a British physician, parasitologist and epidemiologist, showed the existence of a plasmodium in the stomach of a mosquito. Thanks to this discovery he received the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1902.
The drugs for malaria are based on quinine, a substance extracted from the bark of quinine or synthetically produced. But the treatment with these drugs is not enough, and to fight Plasmodium additional drugs are needed.
In 2015, Tu Youyou, a Chinese physician specializing in pharmacology and drug treatment for malaria, received the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for the discovery of the substance Artemisinin, which is used as a cure for malaria.
Symptoms of malaria include high fever, tremor, joint pain, severe headache, vomiting that contains blood, excessive sweating, chills, diarrhea, abdominal pain, skin punctures, hypoglycemia and general malaise. Complications of malaria include coma and when left untreated, it ends in death in about 20% of cases.
The eucalyptus tree is a natural fighter for malaria. In the 19th century it was believed that the eucalyptus fought malaria by disinfecting the soil and air. At the end of the century, the real cause of the disease was discovered and the connection between it and the eucalyptus was clarified. The water-loving eucalyptus dries the swamp water in which the Anopheles mosquito larvae spread the disease. It originated in Australia, where malaria did not exist. Eucalyptus has been used as an anti-malarial agent in California, South Africa, Spain, Turkey, Israel and Italy.
Make Up Your Own Holiday Day - March 26
March 26 is Make up your own holiday day. It's your day to think of something you want to invent for a holiday. It can be a person, an animal, an expression, a food or whatever comes to mind that you want to create its own holiday.
This informal day is meant to honor all the special, creative, weird, funny or meaningful days that people have invented in the past, present and will invent in the future.
The condition is to check only that the day you want to celebrate does not already exist. In the US the holiday is called the National Make up Your Day Holiday.
Special days and holidays can be formal or informal. Official days are days that are usually approved by the government. You get days off, businesses close, studies do not take place, etc. Official holidays can be religious, such as Christmas, Yom Kippur, Eid al-Fitr, Diwali and more. There are also secular holidays that are official like Independence Day or State Constitution Day.
Special days of the year that are unofficial are days that people or organizations have initiated, to hold some theme. They can be serious days like awareness days for social, environmental or health issues, days of appreciation for different professionals, food days or inventions designed to promote sales of various products. There are also silly and funny days that are just meant to make you happy and entertaining.
How to celebrate your own invention holiday?
The best way to celebrate this day is to invent your own holiday. If you want to make it an official day, you will have to get it passed in government by law to make it a national day.
Down Syndrome Day - March 21st
World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD), which falls on March 21, is a World Awareness Day that has been officially observed by the United Nations since 2012. The goal of Down Syndrome Day is to raise awareness that people with Down Syndrome can be integrated into society, to make their voices heard And fight for their rights.
The date 21 in the third month (March), was chosen to mark the uniqueness of the trisomy 21st chromosome that causes Down syndrome.
Down syndrome is due to the fact that in the DNA of every cell in the body there are three copies of chromosome number 21, instead of only two. The syndrome was first described by John Langdon Down in 1866 and is therefore named after him.
Down syndrome sufferers usually have a unique appearance that includes slanted eyes, small ears, a flat face and a broad forehead, straight hair, a short neck and a lower-than-average height. They used to be called Mongols because of their resemblance to the Mongol people.
People with Down Syndrome may also suffer from low IQ, between 40 and 75 IQ, childishness and lack of independence and verbal impairment. They may also have heart defects. The syndrome cannot be cured, but the syndrome can be diagnosed already in pregnancy, using ultrasound tests: in Nuchal scan tests and systems review and in amniotic fluid test.
In recent years, there has been progress in the treatment methods for children who have Down Syndrome and they are able to achieve achievements that allow some of them to integrate into society. Their life expectancy now stands at 60 years, unlike previous years (in the 1980s it was only 25). In order for them to be able to progress and recover, they need adapted medical care, a normative and enriching environment and intensive care from an early age.
International Fanny Pack Day - The Second Saturday of March
Remember that in the 80s of last century everyone would walk around with a fanny pack on their waist? This comfortable and safe bag was then at the height of fashion. Today the fanny pack may be less in fashion but it can still be found in handbag stores in various designs. It has so many benefits and should be brought back into fashion immediately!
The fanny pack is a small bag, slightly larger than a purse, attached to a belt worn around the waist. Fanny Pack Day is meant to celebrate not only in honor of this bag but also to raise awareness of an important social issue - hunger. Symbolically the goal is to fill the fanny pack with food items on this day and go out with it to distribute them to the needy.
The history of International Fanny Pack Day
International Fanny Pack Day was celebrated following an event that happened in 2007. Nick Yates, an artist from Portland, Oregon, was the person who conceived and created this day. It was then the first Saturday of March 2007. Nick Yates returned from a party with a fruitcake he had taken from it and kept for him in his fanny pack. He happened to meet Homeless on the street who told him his fanny pack looked nice. Nick opened the fanny pack and gave him the fruitcake that was inside.
The incident caused Yates to link the fanny pack to help the homeless. He contacted food banks and continued to distribute food while wearing a fanny pack for hungry people on the way. To raise awareness of the good deed, he created Fanny Pack Day, on the second Saturday of each March.
Hunger is a problem all over the world. No matter how advanced or rich a country is, there is always a part of society that cannot achieve one of the most basic needs there is, food. Unfortunately, there are a lot of hungry people and a high percentage of them are children.
How to celebrate Fanny Pack Day?
The answer is simple. If you are willing to help poor, needy and homeless people, then go ahead, take a fanny pack with some food products like sandwiches and give them. But the fanny pack is not mandatory. The goal is to help people. Need to help hungry people all year round but this day is a special day to raise awareness of it on social media for example. To raise awareness you can share your photo with a fanny pack on the waist on social media with the hashtag #FannyPackDay. It is important to clarify that there is an idea behind the fanny pack and this is not just an image designed to receive compliments. Besides it is also possible to volunteer at a soup kitchen or collect drinking bottles to redeem the deposit for them and give it to the poor. Do not ignore homeless people on the street or beggars. A sandwich can brighten their day and show them that they are not transparent. Make a difference. Be the change in someone's world.
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Image source: Amazon |
Bird Day - January 5
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Source: Avian Welfare Coalition |
International Stammering Awareness Day – October 22
This day, also known as International Stuttering Awareness Day (ISAD), is annually observed on October 22.
Established in 1998, this day concludes an annual international conference hosted by the International Stuttering Association from October 1 to October 21. Since 2013 the conference is held online (http://isad.isastutter.org/).
The purpose of this day is to raise general public awareness to the hardships confronted by persons with speech disorders, the various causes for such dysfunctions and the modern ways to treat them. Above all, the day is intended to strengthen recognition that people who stammer can perform intellectually, socially and physically just as well as everyone else. Speech dysfunctions are manifold. They may be characterized by mispronunciation of certain consonants or vowels, by speech that often gets stuck, by involuntary repetition or prolongation of syllables, words or parts of a sentence, etc. The causes for stammering, though generally unknown, are assumed by speech-language professionals to be hereditary or neurophysiologic.
It may interest you to know that some prominent and successful leaders and celebrities were stutterers who overcame their speech impediment, among them Moses who led the Israelites to the Promised Land, King George VI, Claudius the Roman emperor, Winston Churchill, Lewis Carroll and Marilyn Monroe.
A day without plastic bags- 3 July
Most of us use them every day, in plastic bags, without thinking about it. We take one or more almost every store we buy. Whether we buy groceries or new shoes, we do not leave the shop without taking a plastic bag full of the good new things we bought. Then, when we get home, we take what we bought from the bag, throw it away and forget it.
Stop! Have you ever thought about what happens to these bags after we finish using them?
The international day without plastic bags is dedicated to increasing awareness of the damage that plastic bags cause to the environment. We do get rid of them after half an hour and they disappear from our thought, but they do not disappear from the world. The plastic bags will remain in the world for another 100-500 years until they finally disintegrate completely and have a profound impact on our environment as a result.
The bags reach the garbage and fly from there to wherever possible. They reach the ground and injure animals that choke on them. They reach the sea and the ocean and kill the fish. They accumulate into large piles and create rubbish, they fill streams and water sources.
On a day without plastic bags, give up plastic bags for at least one day. Use multi-cloth baskets in a large bag or in carts. When you go shopping in the mall, come with a big bag and put things you buy there. It is also much more convenient than carrying bags! Use biodegradable bags and if you own a store, offer your customers recycled paper bags.
Arbor Day - The last Friday in April
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Happy Arbor Day Greeting Cards |
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Arbor Day Coloring Pages |
World Leprosy Day- The last Sunday of January
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Gerhard Henrik Armauer Hansen |
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The island of Spinalonga, Crete- used as a leper colony from 1903 to 1957 |
According to the National Hansen's Disease Program(NHDP) and other sources:
· The nine-bandedarmadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) that is widespread in Florida and much of the Southeastern USA as well as Central and South America can carry the bacteria that cause leprosy and infect humans.
· Only 5% of the human population is vulnerable to the bacteria that cause leprosy.
· A combination of standard drugs is very effective in curing leprosy.
· Just a few doses of medications suffice to make the patient noninfectious and eliminate the need to isolate him or her from family and friends.
· The general misconception, even among care providers, that leprosy has been eradicated often causes a delay in the correct diagnosis of the disease.
· Early diagnosis prevents nerves from being affected and turns the disease into a minor skin malady.
· In 2015, 178 new cases of leprosy were reported in the USA.
· 8.9% of all the new, detected cases of leprosy in 2015 were children.
· 6.7% of all new leprosy patients in 2015 had Grade 2 disabilities (visible disabilities, damage to hands and feet and severe eyesight impairment), higher than previous years.
· New patients with Grade 2 disabilities indicate late detection of leprosy and a lack of awareness of the early signs of leprosy.
· Proactive, early detection and treatment of leprosy must be an international priority, to prevent leprosy from being transmitted to children and disabilities to be developed.
Things you can do on Leprosy Day
· Search the Web for Leprosy and read about it in articles published on the Web by organizations such as AIFO, Alert-India, ALM, Lepra or any other site that you may prefer.
· Discuss the subject with your friends and try to raise their awareness.
· Consider volunteering by contacting an organization such as one of those that are listed in the Infolepwebsite.
· Donateany sum that you wish to give.