Showing posts with label anime style. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anime style. Show all posts

Greek mythology coloring pages

Greek mythology gods coloring pages in anime style. Greek mythology is the collection of myths created in ancient Greece. These myths have been around for a long time. They tell, among other things, about gods in human form, their plots and the plots of mortal heroes or demigods and monsters of various kinds. In Greek culture there were a large number of gods, according to their roles and according to their location. In different cities there were local gods, with different names, who played different roles. On this page you will find coloring pages of great and prominent gods from Greek mythology. If you like anime style and also the stories of Greek mythology, you will surely enjoy coloring these coloring pages. Enjoy!
PS- To save paper and help our planet, you can print on used pages, on the blank side ♥

The Greek god Zeus is the creator of lightning
king of the gods on Mount Olympus- Zeus
God of the seas, water, storms, hurricanes, earthquakes and horses.
Demeter Goddess of the harvest, fertility, agriculture, nature and the seasons
Hera Queen of the gods and the goddess of marriage, women, childbirth and family
Athena Goddess of wisdom, handicraft, and warfare.
God of light, prophecy, philosophy, archery, truth, inspiration, poetry, music, arts, manly beauty, medicine, healing, and plague
coloring page of Apollo
Artemis Goddess of the hunt, the wilderness, virginity, the Moon, archery, childbirth, protection and plague
Greek mythology goddes Artemis
Ares God of war, violence, bloodshed and manly virtues
Aphrodite Goddess of love, pleasure, passion, procreation, fertility, beauty and desire
Hestia Goddess of the hearth, fire and of the right ordering of domesticity and the family
Goddes Greek mythology Hestia
Dionysus God of wine, the grapevine, fertility, festivity, ecstasy, madness and resurrection
Greek mythology coloring pages Dionysus
Hades god of the dead and the king of the underworld
Medusa one of the three Gorgons female with living venomous snakes in place of hair
Greek mythology meduza coloring page
Medusa snakes instead of hair coloring page
Calliope the Muse who presides over eloquence and epic poetry

Bishōnen- Anime boys coloring pages for young adults

Coloring pages of anime boys. Bishonen (Japanese: 美少年, the literal interpretation of the term is "beautiful young boy") is a drawing style that is quite popular in many subgenres of anime that emphasizes drawing young boys according to the modern Japanese aesthetic - the characters are tall, thin, with Prominent chin and sometimes with loose or wavy hair.
Outside of Japan, otaku is generally used to refer to characters with a stereotypical appearance of male characters in manga and anime - a typical appearance that is particularly common in the subgenres of shojo, shounen ai, or yaoi.
Characters drawn in the bishon style will often be young, femininely handsome, not muscular. They will often be dressed in elegant clothes.
Anime and manga series featuring bishon characters are particularly popular among girls and women in Japan, possibly because of the unique social relationships between these characters and the female characters in the series' plot. Here are coloring pages of anime boys that are suitable for adults because of their complexity. To print the page you would like to color, click on page and then click Ctrl+P. You can also save the coloring page in your computer and print later. Have fun!
PS- To save paper and help our planet, you can print on used pages, on the blank side ♥

Ink drawing anime boys
black & white drawing anime boys
Anime style coloring pages boys
coloring book anime style of boys
Cool boy anime style coloring page
Cool dreamy boy anime style Japanese coloring page
anime style boys school coloring pages
school boys coloring pages chinese ink
cute boy coloring page with school bag
coloring page of anime boy
dreamy expression anime boy portrait coloring page
cute boy near the pool coloring page
good looking boy coloring page anime style
sweet boy coloring page anime style
boy with glasses coloring page
good boy coloring page anime style
school boys coloring pages
School anime boy with notebooks coloring page
boy with backpack coloring page
anime boy with a tie coloring book
anime boy coloring page
cute dreamy boy coloring page
cute anime boy
two anime boys coloring page Japanese art
Two anime brothers coloring book

Bishōjo - Anime girls coloring pages for young adults

Coloring pages of anime girls. Anime is a general name accepted outside of Japan for animation that originates in Japan and whose characteristics are recognizable as authentic Japanese animation. In Japan itself the word "anime" is a name for any animation, without reference to the country of origin. Bishoujo (Japanese: 美少女, the literal meaning of the term is "young and beautiful girl") is a drawing style that is quite popular in many subgenres of anime and manga that emphasizes drawing young girls, according to the modern Japanese aesthetic, which They are mostly high school aged.
In anime the character design can change in certain ways depending on the era or cartoonists. Some of the visible features are:
The eyes - one of the most striking visual characteristics of the anime is the large eyes of the characters, even of those supposed to be of oriental origin. The big eyes maybe make it easier for the mangakas to express the emotions of the characters. And although the characters often have excessively extroverted expressions. This is in contrast to the accepted code of conduct in Japan, which requires calmness and restraint.
Coloring page of anime girl

school girl anime style coloring book

The hair - the hair in anime series is often scattered and unnaturally colored or is uniquely designed. The movement of the hair in the anime is exaggerated and the movement of the hair is sometimes used to emphasize the emotions of the characters. One of the reasons why characters have different hair colors is that it is easier to tell two characters apart when one has yellow hair and the other has black hair, than it does between two characters who both have black hair.
The Body - The body proportions of human anime characters often accurately reflect the proportions of the human body in reality. Sometimes the artists who design the anime characters deliberately make changes to the body proportions of the characters so that the characters have a disproportionately small body compared to the character's head.
The face - in anime series, a wide variety of facial expressions are often shown to indicate different moods and thoughts that go through the minds of the characters.
Most of the characters have distinctly western characteristics: red-haired characters, or those with blue eyes or blond hair are common characteristics of anime characters, even if they are supposed to be of oriental origin. Some see this phenomenon as an expression of longing for the West. Some mangakas choose to give all their characters a distinctly Japanese appearance. Here are coloring pages of anime girls that are suitable for adults because of their complexity. To print the page you would like to color, click on page and then click Ctrl+P. You can also save the coloring page in your computer and print later. Have fun!
PS- To save paper and help our planet, you can print on used pages, on the blank side ♥
anime girls two students
Anima girl coloring book Bishojo
black and white drawing anima girl cute
coloring page anime girl
cute portrait anime girl Japanese ink black and white
anime woman coloring page Japanese ink
coloring page anime girl
anima girl coloring book
Anime girls coloring pages
anime girl coloring book
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anime girls coloring book for young adults
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anime girl coloring page
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