Showing posts with label animal food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animal food. Show all posts

International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day- February 23

Every dog has its day and today is definitely the day of the dogs! February 23 is the holiday of appreciation for dog biscuits.
Dog biscuits were invented in the mid-19th century by James Spratt, an American manufacturer who visited Liverpool, England and saw there how dogs like to eat their owners' toast and cookies.
He thought the idea of making special biscuits for dogs, which would also contain meat and vegetables, would be wonderful and he returned from London with a secret recipe and opened Spratt's, the first company in the world to produce biscuits for dogs.


Today many dogs enjoy their special biscuits and they are also often used in training and as rewards in training programs.
There are many types of biscuits for dogs today, including those that clean dogs' teeth.
In honor of Dog Biscuit Day, give your best friend who walks on four biscuits and make his day!


In the photo: My dog smells the biscuits I bought her

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