Animaniacs is a 99-episode animated series produced by Warner Bros. Studios in collaboration with Steven Spielberg on television from 1993 to 1998. The series garnered much acclaim and popularity around the world and was even nominated for eight prestigious Emmy Awards. Following the success of the series, a movie based on the series "Wakko's Wish" was produced.
The series follows three cartoon children, of whom the type is unclear (they themselves do not classify themselves as any kind of animal but claim to be the "cute" to their psychiatrist) known as the Yakko, Wakko, and Dot, also known as the Warners, who live in a water tower And they make a lot of trouble at Warner Bros. Studios and drive people crazy from the studio, including Dr. Otto Scratchansniff the psychiatrist and Ralph T. Guard who keep trying to catch them unsuccessfully. Other characters appeared in the series: Dr. Otto Scratchansniff, Ralph T. Guard, Hello Nurse, Thaddeus Plotz, The dog Godfather and the cat Rita and Runt, the nervous squirrel Slappy Squirrel and he's nephew Skippy Squirrel , "Pinky and the Brain" (who won the series Their own spin-off) and other characters.
Choose the coloring page of Animaniacs you want to paint, print and paint for your enjoyment. To print the page you would like to color, click on page and then click Ctrl+P. Have fun!