Showing posts with label Swamp Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Swamp Day. Show all posts

World Wetlands Day - February 2nd

World Wetlands Day marks the day of the signing of the "Wet Habitats" Convention, the Ramsar Convention. On February 2, 1971, in the Iranian city of Ramsar on the Caspian coast, World Swamp Day was celebrated for the first time. Since then every year, government agencies, NGOs, and groups of citizens from all walks of life have been working to raise public awareness of the value of swamp lands and the benefits they provide to the environment.

International Swamp Day is an opportunity to remember the beautiful parts of nature, the swamps where ducks, geese, swans, frogs, water vultures, flamingos and all kinds of waterfowl and animals thrive in harmony.
We all know that many parts of our world are at risk of disappearing under bulldozers and turning into urban or industrialized areas. All this at the expense of the innocent creatures that inhabit them. The swamps need help, and if we want to continue to see seabirds and other creatures that live in the water in the next generation as well, we need to mobilize and act. International Swamp Day is the perfect opportunity to do.

February 2nd is also Groundhog Day

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