Showing posts with label Self-acceptance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Self-acceptance. Show all posts

Madly In Love With Me Day - February 13th

 As you can guess, the reason to celebrate "Madly in Love with me day" on February 13, the day before International Valentine's Day, is clear. If tomorrow we celebrate Valentine’s Day for our spouses and focus on them, today is the day to love ourselves and put ourselves before others without guilt.

Self-love is the belief that you are a precious and worthy person. When we have a positive outlook on ourselves we are confident in ourselves and our place in the world.

Before we celebrate our relationship, we must first make sure that we are also our own best friends. Because only if we love ourselves, we can also love the other. Because when we love ourselves, we can be in a healthy relationship where we do not constantly please the other and give up on ourselves. In a healthy relationship we are in a place that is good for us, and if not we go.

Self-love is also perceived as a basic human need to take care of ourselves and fight for ourselves, but also as a moral defect, when it is perceived as selfishness, arrogance, egocentrism, narcissism and so on. Over the years the concept of self-love has gained a more positive connotation through social movements, pride marches, self-love protests, the hippie era, the feminist movement of the new age as well as rising awareness of mental health promoting self-love, personal training and self-help and support groups. 

Self-love was first promoted by the Beat generation of the 1950s and the early years of the hippie era in the 1960s. After witnessing the devastating consequences of World War II and what was happening in the Vietnam War, Western societies (especially North America) began to promote “peace and love” to produce positive energy that would bring peace and fight polluting and harmful industries to the environment.

The source of Madly In Love With Me Day

Christine Arylo, author of Madly in Me Book and self-help guru, is the creator of Madly In Love With Me Day. In her book she teaches how to love ourselves and what is meant by self-love in general according to the following principles:

  • Give yourself first without guilt.
  • Wash yourself with loving words instead of criticism and comparison
  • Go for your dreams with perseverance and courage
  • Choose the situations and relationships that make you happy
  • Discover and explore your deepest thoughts and desires - and act on them.

How to celebrate Madly In Love With Me Day?

To love yourself means to accept yourself with all the disadvantages and advantages and to appreciate yourself without any conditions. Loving yourself is the opposite of measuring yourself and deciding how much you are worth based on how others treat you. Today is the day to decide that you love yourself unconditionally, to make sure that you are at the top of your priorities and to make sure that you are well where you are, without feeling guilty or ashamed.

So just before Valentine's Day that falls tomorrow, make sure to love who you really are with 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, all the days of your life - you !!

February 13 is also Radio Day and Tortellini Day

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