Coloring pages of Mira, Royal Detective. Mira, Royal Detective is an animated series for children inspired by Indian culture and customs. The series tells the story of a post-apocalyptic fictional kingdom called Jalpur in 4505. Jalpur is similar to the India of the late 19th century. The series follows the brave and resourceful girl Mira, who is one of the commoners appointed to the role of royal detective by the Queen and travels throughout her kingdom to help royalty and commoners alike. Mira is joined by her two friends Mikku and Chikku. Here are the coloring pages of Royal Detective Mira. To print the coloring page of Mira, Royal Detective, click on the coloring page and then Ctrl + P. The printable coloring sheets of Mira, Royal Detective are for free and you can come back to print and color again and again. Below you will find Mira, Royal Detective coloring pages which you can paint for your enjoyment. Choose the coloring page of Mira, Royal Detective you want to paint, print and paint for your enjoyment. To print the page you would like to color, click on page and then click Ctrl+P. Have fun!