Showing posts with label Jazz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jazz. Show all posts

International Jazz Day - April 30th

Jazz Day encourages jazz fans all over the world to attend or initiate festivals, events and jazz parties.
If you like jazz, take your trumpet, saxophone, piano or clarinet and start playing. If you do not play, you will probably find an event that has jazz music nearby.
International Jazz Day is an annual event that takes place every year on April 30th. The event was set up by UNESCO to celebrate "the virtues of jazz as an educational tool and a force for peace, unity, dialogue and enhanced cooperation between people."

Jazz day

The day was announced during the UNESCO General Conference in November 2011. The first annual International Jazz Day was celebrated in Paris by UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova and UNESCO Ambassador of Goodwill Herbie Hancock.
April 30 is also Bugs Bunny Day

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