Showing posts with label Ecology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ecology. Show all posts

World Environment Day- June 5

World Environment Day is an international holiday celebrated every year on June 5 by UN member states to raise environmental awareness. The day was declared by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972 and first marked in 1974. Meetings are held during the day. And conferences on education and awareness on the subject, including ways of treating and preventing environmental problems.

The purpose of this day is to raise awareness of issues related to the environment, promote change of attitudes on environmental issues and increase the cooperation of all countries, so that people will enjoy a prosperous and secure world in the future.
Environment Day is celebrated around the world in many activities, such as outdoor concerts, processions, tree planting, writing and painting competitions in posters in schools, as well as recycling and cleaning operations.

Earth Day - April 22

Earth Day is celebrated on April 22 each year and aims to raise awareness for the protection of the Earth's environment, and the ability of every person to influence through day - to - day conduct that is environmentally conscious, our destiny and the fate of future generations; And show that efficient resource consumption affects the entire ecosystem and the environment.
This special day was set in a 2009 UN petition.

In honor of Earth Day, get some interesting facts about the planet we live on and how we can preserve it:
In terms of size, 1.3 million stars enter the Sun like Earth.
If you drilled a straight tunnel through two parallel points on the earth and jumped from it, it would take you about 42 minutes to get from one side to the other.
The United Kingdom is the legal owner of one-sixth of the earth's land area.
It takes 8 minutes and 20 seconds for light to move from the sun to the earth.
There are more living creatures in a teaspoon of earth than people on earth.
One third of the earth's surface area is desert in part or in full.
Before trees were common, huge mushrooms covered the earth.
Our galaxy has at least 2 billion stars like Earth.
There are about 7500,000,000,000,000,000,000 sand grains on Earth.
The core of the earth is as hot as the sun.

Lightning strikes the earth 100 times per second, that is, 8.6 times a day.
Since the time of Pythagoras in 500 BC, no educated person has believed that the earth is flat.
Every second, the sun sends 10 times more neutrino particles to Earth than the number of people on Earth.
The Earth is the only place in the solar system where water can appear in its three states of accumulation: solid, liquid and gas (vapor).
The planet has lost 40% of its wildlife in the last 40 years, according to the WWF (World Wildlife Fund).
The deepest known point on Earth is equal in depth to 24.5 of the Empire State Building.
Earth is the only place in the solar system where a full solar eclipse can happen.
The Soviets drilled the deepest hole in the world on earth for 14 years: the depth of the hole is 12,262 meters (40,230 feet).

Earth Day coloring pages
Animated gifs of Earth
Water makes up only 0.07% of the Earth by mass, or 0.4% of the Earth by volume.
Earth is the only planet whose name in English is not named after a Greco-Roman god.
Water makes up only 0.07% of the Earth by mass, or 0.4% of the Earth by volume.
Earth is the only planet whose name in English is not named after a Greco-Roman god.

How to be environmentally friendly and save the planet?
Water saving - turn off the water tap when brushing teeth or soaping dishes.
Use half the amount of water in the toilet flush tank.
Take a shower for no more than 10 minutes.
Collect reusable water, such as rainwater or shower water.
Transfer plastic bottles for recycling.
Transfer paper and cardboard to recycle.
Return to stores small plastic burials, glass bottles and cans for a deposit.
Transfer to battery recycling.
Transfer electrical and electronic products for recycling.
Return medicines to a pharmacy or health fund.
Ideas for recycling
Electricity saving-
Turn off the light when leaving the room.
Turn off the air conditioning or heating when leaving the room.
Fill the washing machine or dishwasher to the brim before operating.
When buying a new large appliance (like a refrigerator or air conditioner), check how energy efficient it is.
Use economical bulbs.
Hang clothes to dry after washing instead of using a tumble dryer.
Saving bags-
Use reusable bags instead of plastic bags.

World Eart day animated gif

Plant a Flower Day - March 12

 One of the most beautiful and fascinating things on earth is the flower. There are more than 400,000 species of flowers in the world, all without exception beautiful! Have you ever seen a flower is not beautiful?

Flowers have such a rich variety of colors and shapes, from the simple daisy that grows in the fields and along the roadsides to the elegant rose that symbolizes to many people love in its many facets. There are the colorful wildflowers that dot dots of fields and forests and there are cultivated and domesticated flowers that are beautifully arranged in rows in the gardens and courtyards. The flowers add so much beauty to the world - they are simply a gift of nature for all of us!

The history Plant a Flower day

The flowers have been around for at least 150 million years. From the dawn of history they have been a major component in various cultures all over the world and have also served other purposes besides decoration, such as medical use.

As early as 2,500 BC the ancient Egyptians used flowers to decorate large tables and halls, to pay homage to the living and the dead. In the tombs of the pharaohs, high priests and other wealthy citizens many remains of flowers were exposed.

In ancient Greece and Rome flowers were also used for the same purposes, and in some they were also used as medicinal plants.

Flowers are used as herbs to this day, through herbal teas, medicines and spices.

Butterfly pea flower tea known as "blue tea" is an infusion of the petals of the butterfly pea plant that originates in the tropical region of East Asia. The plant flowers are also used as herbs in Ayurveda. What is interesting about this tea, which has become popular over the years, is that the liquid changes color depending on the level of acidity (PH) of the substances added to it - its hue turns from blue to purple to burgundy the more acidic it is.

Chamomile tea is known for its calming effect on the body, and its help in preventing inflammation and disease, pain and digestive problems. This ancient drink has been known for thousands of years.

Throughout history, flowers have carried different symbolic meanings, among different peoples, religions and mythologies. In Hinduism, the oldest religion in the world, the lotus flower is considered an important spiritual symbol. Roses have been seen for many years as a show of love and affection and poppies are used to commemorate soldiers who died in the war.

The flowers were and are also an integral part of our traditions and ceremonies. Can you imagine ceremonies and holidays without bouquets on the table?

The flowers have also inspired many poets and painters in countless works of art such as Van Gogh's sunflowers, Monet's water lilies and so many more.

Flowers even have an impact on the economy. In the 17th century in the Netherlands in a period known as the 'Tulip Mania', tulips were considered so valuable that they were worth more than gold. People would take out loans just to buy tulip tubers and when tulip prices dropped sharply, this led to an economic crisis. The concept of the tulip craze is considered the first economic bubble and economists and capital market people sometimes use the term "tulipmania" as an example of an economic bubble.

The saffron, which is the expensive in spices, is made from dried crocus flowers.

Flowers also have a very great ecological importance. With their bright colors and magical scents, they not only illuminate the world around us but also attract and maintain pollinators like bees, butterflies and birds. They entice them with sweet nectar and hand out their precious powder in return. And once reproduced, flowers bear a sweet fruit that animals and humans can enjoy.

Important tips for planting flowers

Never underestimate your garden planting flowers. Always research when and where it is best to plant the flowers you want. Each type of flower has its own needs and preferences. Find out what type of soil they need, how often they need irrigation and how much light they need to flower and survive. When flowers wither, remove them and keep the stems pruned.

In general, flowers need soil with good drainage. Wildflowers, on the other hand, bloom best in poor quality soil.

Some flowers need to keep their tubers in a cool, dark place to simulate winter and plant them only when it is cold outside.

If you are a novice gardener, the flowers that are right for you to plant are geraniums, sunflowers, daffodils and lavender. The Tropaeolum majus (garden nasturtium, Indian cress, or monks cress) is a sure recipe for beautiful orange flowers in your garden. All it takes is to scatter their seeds and do nothing - just wait until spring for their blooms. 

It is always advisable to look for perennials as these types of flowers will last for at least two years. And even if you do not have a garden, you can always buy flower pots and grow flowers at home.

How to celebrate Plant a Flower Day?

The best way to celebrate Plant a Flower Day is to plant a flower, or even some flowers. Take some time today to plant flowers that are appropriate for the season and the environment you are in. You can also hook up with neighbors and plant flowers in public areas to add color spots to places that look gray.

If you have children, this is the perfect day to take them out and explain to them about this magic of nature. What helps plants grow, why we need them and what we can do to help protect our earth's biodiversity. Incorporating a sense of wonder into the world in your children will help them appreciate the planet and make them more aware of their environment. In addition - what is better than quality time with the children outdoors, in the pleasant air outside the screens?

Want to get inspired to grow flowers? Join Facebook groups that deal with gardening. There are lots of people out there who will be happy to help you with anything you will need to plant flowers so that they will grow in the best way and admire the flowers that will bloom in your garden or pots. Also on YouTube you will find available flower arranging courses to help you get started.

The flowers add color to life. If you are feeling depressed, try to add this pleasant beauty and scent to your life. It sure will do you good.

March 12 is also Mauritius Independence Day

World Soil Day - December 5

World Earth Day celebrated on December 5 is a day dedicated to the earth's soil which is one of man's most important resources. Earth, as the World Soil Day website points out, is "where food begins." All of our fruits and vegetables grow in the soil or on top of shrubs or trees that come out of the soil, the food for the animals we grow grows in the soil. Even the natural fibers we produce for clothing are made from plants that grow in the soil or from animals that eat plants that grow in the soil.

Along with water and sun, the soil is one of the most important components in agriculture.
Still, some of the things people do cause the soil rich in valuable minerals to shrink and lose its quality.
When we throw in the trash materials that contain toxic chemicals, like nylon and plastic, they are buried in waste sites and absorbed into the soil where we grow our food. The toxic ingredients are swept away in rains and floods and spread to large areas, and also seep into the water we drink, let the animals drink, use for washing and watering plants.

An example of damage to land can be seen in the case of Love Canal, a neighborhood near Niagara Falls in New York. The neighborhood was established near the Love Canal Canal, and in the 1940s, with government approval, water was diverted to it from a chemical plant that operated at Niagara Falls that contained toxic chemicals. The chemicals were absorbed into the soil and drinking water and caused a massive environmental pollution disaster that harmed the health of hundreds of neighborhood residents. Many of them had leukemia, asthma and kidney disease, and suffered from miscarriages, births of babies with malformations and more.
To maintain our precious soil, we need to reduce the use of plastic and plastics and stop consuming disposable utensils (just as Greta Thunberg says). The many purchases we make also contribute to soil pollution, as the increased consumption causes the industry to continue to pollute the environment with chemicals and the products of the industry are the waste that is thrown away and buried in the soil.

 December 5th is also Ninja Day and Repeal Day

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