Showing posts with label Dried Fruit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dried Fruit. Show all posts

Almond Day - February 16

February 16 is Almond Day, the fruit that grows on the almond tree that belongs to the rose family.
Did you know?
Eating 20 unroasted natural almonds a day as a snack between meals has been found to contribute to weight loss more than other snacks.
Almonds have a total of 7-9 calories and are rich in vitamin E, magnesium, calcium and good fats for the heart.
Almonds also help balance appetite and reduce the urge to eat sweets.
It is recommended to eat the almonds as a snack, during a "crisis" when the body really wants sweet. You should eat 10 almonds at each snack, a total of two meals.
The part of the almond that is eaten is the seed. It contains a substance called amygdalin, which breaks down and forms cyanide, a very dangerous poison. But do not worry, the cyanide is found in the bitter almonds. The sweet cultural varieties we eat do not contain amygdalin.

 February 16 is also Innovation Day and Tim Tam Day

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