Showing posts with label Button day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Button day. Show all posts

Button day- 16th November

Button day is a day established by the National Button Society in 1938. 
It is a day of celebration all the buttons collectors worldwide. Buttons of shirts, pants, plastic, metal, wood, gold, silver, colorful, simple and unique, all buttons are celebrating Button day on November 16! 
In the past, our mothers and grandmothers had a big collection of buttons. Today they collect them less. There is no doubt that the button is one of the most important components of the garment, and if we miss a button, we have to find another suitable to close the pants or shirt. 
Do you have special buttons?


Things you can do with buttons (besides from closing clothing):

Make a Christmas decoration
Make a decorative frame
Decorate a bag
Necklace buttons
All these wonderful ideas taken from Amazon- Blumenthal Lansing

Novemner 16 is also Fast Food Day

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