Showing posts with label Autistics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Autistics. Show all posts

World Autism Awareness Day - April 2

International Autism Awareness Day is a day set by the UN with the aim of raising awareness of autism and increasing the acceptance and integration of autistics in society.
Autism Day was set by the UN in 2007 and is celebrated every year since April 2. This day is one of the four official health days set by the UN.
Autism is a developmental disorder that includes difficulties in interpersonal relationships and in the social, linguistic and communicative fields, in stereotypical and repetitive behavior and in a disorder in social skills.
In the last decade of the twentieth century, it has become clear that this syndrome and all other autistic spectrum syndromes have additional symptom groups such as sensory regulation problems (such as hypersensitivity to touch and relative insensitivity to pain) and coordination problems.
The term "autism" was coined by Dr. Leo Kenner in 1943, when he studied a group of 11 children at Jones Hopkins Hospital in Maryland, USA. These children probably had classical autism. At the time, a German scientist named Dr. Hans Asperger described a phenomenon similar to autism named after him, Asperger's Syndrome.

How to mark World Autism Awareness Day?
You can learn about autism from books, movies, etc. You can volunteer in places where autistics stay like in hostels. You can donate to charities for autistic people or buy gifts from places that employ autistic people and thus help promote them in society.

April 2 is also Reconciliation Day and Ferret Day

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