Showing posts with label Alibi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alibi. Show all posts

Temporary Insanity Day - 19 February

Temporary insanity day is a historic day for the justice system. On this date, in 1859, the first acquittal of a murderer occurred against a background of temporary insanity.
Daniel Edgar Sickles was a retired American politician, diplomat, and soldier who was awarded many medals of heroism. In his personal life, there have been several scandals, one of which was fatal to Washington DC District Attorney Philip Burton Key II, in La Fayette, Washington, near the White House, because he learned he was having an affair with his young wife.

Sickles' lawyer has argued for the first time in history that Sickles is not guilty because he went insane because of the discovery of his wife's affair and he even saved the respectable women of Washington from the arms of Philip, the district attorney who chases the dresses. The jury was impressed by the lawyer's dramatic testimony and the great sorrow expressed by Sickles' wife and family and many other people who sympathized with Sickles and testified in his favor. He is acquitted and since then the excuse of temporary insanity has gained great popularity among people who murdered.

Image Source: United States Library of Congress' Prints and Photographs (Public Domain)

 February 19 is also Tug of War Day and Chocolate Mint Day

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